Subject: Cardio Minutes & MLK Day!

Hi Friend,

Happy snow day to you!

Today we attended a birthday party at a puppet place in Brookline and then went to a local park to play in the snow.  As you may know already, it was perfect snowman building weather so we showed our friends from Mexico how to build snowmen.  They loved it.  Then we played tag and had snowball fights and it all counted as cardio minutes.  :-)

Cardio Minutes - Week 2
We did 25 minutes per workout, 50 for 2 and 75 for 3.  
Minutes are due mañana.

MLK Day - No Classes
There will be no classes on Mon, Jan 20.   We return 6:30pm, Tuesday @ MC  
If you can and it works for your schedule find a way to get your Monday workout in another day this week or you can make it up in a future week.  

Private Measurements
7-9am, Sat, Jan 25 @ MC
Here are some fast results yielding ways to support your training efforts and see body changes faster:
  • eat more greens (salads):  they flush water and bloating
  • skip the charcuterie:  it bloats and gives you a salt hangover the next day
  • pound 16oz of water upon waking.  it helps you to hydrate you; gets water going down more easily and helps you to de-bloat.
  • consider passing on the dairy at most of your meals.  you need calcium and  can get some by eating more cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts), seeds, almonds, sardines, salmon, beans and lentils and can take a calcium pill (with M.D. dosage recommendations) with your daily Vitamin D3 pill(s) .  It'll help you de-bloat and get leaner.
  • eat lean proteins (chicken, fish, turkey, eggs with most meals) and consider plant based foods & protein sources 1 meal / week or even 1 day per week.  
  • pass on the liquid calories.  if you want to really jump start your change consider passing on alcohol and watch out fast change happens and go black on your hot beverages.  Choose lemons & limes, ice and straws to make things more interesting with your beverages.

Happy holiday weekend to you,

Coach Mike

p.s.  People always ask me why I like coaching.  I love it.  It's fun for me.  It's not work.  I get to be passionate.  I want to be your best case coach.  Please think about and then share with me how I can help support you better and be your best case coach.  

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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