Subject: Cardio Minutes, Challenge Workouts and This Weeks Schedule!

Hi Friend!

Happy Boston Sports weekend to you!

Celtics winning streak continues at 15, the Bruins and won and the Patriots won in Mexico.  Yay for our city and our teams.

Today we hosted my family, as my sister Emily is leaving for Japan tomorrow to teach English for 6-months.  Pretty cool and exciting stuff as my Meme was from there and came here when my Pepe met her while stationed in Okinawa during the Korean War.  She's the first of my grandparents children or grandchildren to go back, so it's pretty special.

This week is empowerment week, so usually there are no classes, which means you either continue completing your workout cards or you do challenge workouts.  
We do have a make up from last Thursday, so you're welcome to train with us Monday night.

6:30pm, Monday, Nov 20 @ MC
All members are welcome.

8-10am, Thurs, Nov 23 @ BG
*bring mats, towels and water
All adults who can do what we do are welcome to attend.  Non-members must complete a waiver form in advance to reserve a spot.  Please RSVP so I know to expect you.  Right now we're at 7 family members + Vivi, which means there'll be a lot of fun and laughter.

Cardio Minutes
We did 26 minutes per workout, so 52min for 2 classes and 78min for 3 classes.
Reply now with your minutes.

Challenge Workouts

Empowerment Week
Need a reminder on what to do this week or how many minutes to complete?  Refresh your memory here.

My dietician wife would say you shouldn't do anything different on Thursday than you would do on any other day.  Which means "joy foods" should be a part of your regular life with the frequency that is right for you.  Don't put foods on pedestals.  Don't overeat and make yourself sick.  Don't feel guilty about foods.  Don't punish yourself.  Enjoy all the foods you like in the amounts that are good for you and stop there.  

She works on 1 end of the spectrum and I work on the other end.  I'm burn & earn.  I like joy foods, but I don't want to eat them all the time or regularly.  I want to eat them on special occasions and I want to eat as much as I feel like eating and then move forward without them the next day.  They don't all make me feel good all the time, but I do appreciate them, so every once in a while I like to enjoy them even though there might be a cost the next day / week, though I'm becoming less willing to pay that cost as time goes on and more likely to skip certain foods altogether.  

In any event, if you could see the table at my Aunt's house, 1 plate of food doesn't get a 1/4 serving of every food on the table, so you've gotta have 2nd's and 3rds during the first sit down to sample everything and get a couple more servings of the things you like.  Dessert after the family walk is the same, though you don't have much room for more than a plate.  And then the 2nd meal of leftovers later that evening, is another plate full.  I'm all for participating fully this day and doing a lot of burn & earn on the front end, some family walks during and burning and earning the rest of the holiday weekend, back on track and hitting the ground running on Monday.  That's my mindset.  

Hopefully you can find the right mindset and practice for you, somewhere between my dietician wife and myself.  

Happy Thanksgiving Week!


p.s.  Did you see Whole Foods has Christmas Trees already?  We bought one and our tree is already up!  :-)

p.p.s.  Reply now with your cardio minutes?

p.p.p.s.  Keep training.  You can do it.  You have the equipment, the workout plans, the time already carved out of your schedule.  Live and prepare however you need to live and prepare to keep your workout and get a great one in!

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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