Subject: Cardio Minutes & Challenge Workouts!

Hi Friend!

Super Saturday to you!

Today was measurements and we had some good one's.  So far the feedback for the phase has been great and if you haven't yet shared yours, would you please reply to this email, text me or even call as I'd love to hear from you.

Cardio Minutes - Week 3
Time         Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am     26                26                26               78
9:00am     26                26                26               78
6:30pm     26                26                26               78
Minutes are due Monday!  Get moving and hit your number.  You can do it!

Empowerment Week Plan
Rookies go here to learn about empowerment week and what to do.
Everybody else, if you need flexible workout options or an empowerment week refresher, go here.

Challenge Workouts
pdf: P11, Challenge Workouts (CW’s) (also attached)

video: CW#1

video: CW#2 (P10)

video: CW#3 (P10)
*Coach's note.  When recording CW#2, the camera stopped during the workout and I didn't realize it until editing the videos on youtube.  When I went to record CW#3, the battery on the camera was dead, which was odd after having recorded it the night before.  So I'm sorry for not shooting the videos early in the phase to allow time to make up for technical errors and for not double checking the battery charge and memory if that was what the problem was before leaving home.  I'll do better.

Workout Card
The most important thing you can do for your progress is to finish your workout card.  If you get 8 workouts completed and you train 2x/wk or 12 workouts completed and you train 3x/wk, bring it in, so I can give you some recognition for your awesome & inspiring efforts.

I recommend investing in a portable pull up bar from  It breaks down & sets up in 90sec.  Fits under your bed or in your closet easily.  Super sturdy for up & down.  Not great for TRX.  For TRX also get the TRX anchor and hang it from your ceiling or get an Iron Gym Pull Up bar and hang it from your door jam.  I don't recommend doing pull ups on your door jam.  I cracked my wall (since repaired).  I still do TRX exercises from the Iron Gym on a different door frame and use my pull up bar for pull ups, weighted pull ups and the like.  Of course if you can install a real pull
up bar to your ceiling or wall secured with bolts, then I would do that.

Substitute a core exercise and a lower body jump exercise for medicine balls & hurdles.  Text me or reply if you need help.

Do the challenge workouts if you need some more hand holding or you want a shorter workout than 60 minutes.  These are fast, follow along and fun.  Plus you get to see me challenged and sometimes dominating the workouts.

Happy weekend.

Burn & Earn!

Coach Mike

p.s.  schedule your workouts for next week.

p.p.s.  then get the 1st one done.

p.p.p.s.  minutes are due Monday!

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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