Subject: CM, SP, NCNS, GD, RD & Referrals

Happy Snow Friday to you Friend! 

I hope you're having a great day and you feel winter sports ready (including shoveling ready).  Today we had outstanding workouts filled with P.R.'s at both the 6a and 9a workouts.  It's so fun, exciting and different to coach (i.e. motivate) so much vs. teach b/c it's energizing and exciting, however teaching technique, specifically with high skilled exercises that yield big bang results is pretty special and awesome too.  In any event.  Kudos to those who could make it.

CM, SP, NCNS, GD, RD & Referrals
What's up with the acronyms?  When I worked at Disney, they taught us to make things simple and short using acronyms and abbreviations.  As a sports medicine professional (I'm a Licensed and Certified Athletic!) we use lots of medical acronyms to make charting S.O.A.P. notes (subjective, objective, assessment and plan, I think) and H.O.P.S. notes (history, observation, palpation and special tests) much faster.  As a Patriots fan, their communication is so tight, Tom Brady can give a nod or a wink and it can mean so many different plays.  Peyton Manning says Omaha which means, god knows what.  In any event, let's move on.

Cardio Minutes (CM) - Week 4
Time          Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am     21                21                21               63
9:00am     18                21                21               60
6:30pm     18                21                21               60
*CM are due Monday!  So go shovel someone else's driveway or get out and play.

Snow Policy (SP)
Class is off if it's a blizzard (white on white), otherwise, everything is a gray area and comes down to your gut.  I'll let you know if I'm not going to be there via email and/or text, however here is my "very gray" snow policy.

No Call No Show (NCNS)
Not cool, ever!  You can take it so many ways when someone doesn't call and doesn't show up.  

Example#1:  Something tragic could have happened to a person (you), leading the expecting person (me) to worry.  Not cool.  

Example#2:  You're not important enough to someone (me) that they (you) didn't make or even consider making an effort to text, email or call to let you know they weren't coming.  Not cool.

Imagine if I didn't show up to BC.  You'd be B.S.!  

Well it goes both ways and it's not fair when the effort is not reciprocated.

Working as an employee (you're FIRED!) and being married (upset spouse) are 2 great examples of a major cost of NCNS's.  Losing business b/c I didn't show up would be a tough lesson to learn.  Getting kicked out of BC, b/c you didn't care, which made your coach not care, would be a lesson, you'd have to determine the meaning of.  Look, I buried my twin sons, my father who got hit by a train for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and said goodbye to 12 family members in the last 10 years.  I'm grounded.  I know what I want and what I don't want.  If/when I have all the money, I'll ever need, I'm still going to coach b/c I love it.  It's fun.  I get to change lives.  I get to make a difference.  I care about you and people.  If you care, I care more.  Text, email or call if you're not going to be at BC and I'll do the same.   

Guest Day (GD)
The 1st week of every phase, will now be Guest Week, with the exception of September, which will be Guest Month.  The reason being is it's (1) too hard for many to remember which day exactly is guest day, (2), the 1st week of a phase is teaching week, so we go slower anyways and (3) September is going to be a power endurance month, which is similar to these last 2 weeks of this phase in which you know all the exercises and how the workouts going to go, so you don't have to think and I don't have to coach, you compete against yourself and the clock and I challenge and try to create an environment where your best effort can come out.  

Out of town guests are welcome anytime as long as they can do what we do and they submit a completed waiver 24 hours prior to participation.  

You're friends are my friends and I'll treat them as Very Important Guests. Bookmark this page to share with your future guests. 

Registration Deadline (RD)
11:59pm, Tuesday, February 9, 2016 is the deadline to register for Phase 2.  Here's the link to register if you know someone who'd like to try us out for a week.

I'm hoping for a big year and in order for that to happen, I need to help you have a big year 1st.  I want to make you a raving, walking talking billboard for my business, so as I help you to get into your best shape and achieve your goals, would you consider helping me to get my business in it's best shape and achieve my goals for it by referring me to your friends and networks.  Thank you for considering.  

Ways you can refer:
  • email introduction
  • invite a friend to a guest
  • invite a friend to try us out
  • testimonials
  • Facebook, google, Yelp reviews
  • introducing me to your Human Resource Dept.
  • helping me to speak at an event

O.K.  Movie night w/ my cousin.  We're going to see the Revenant and check out Leonardo DiCaprio's Bear Crawl, which would qualify as a business expense, right?  (kidding).

See you next for, week 5 of phase 1.  That's a lot of high fives and low fives, so maybe practice in case you're not used to giving that many.

Your coach,

Mike Alves

Burn & Earn!

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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