Subject: Bonus Week and 2019 Training Calendar

Hi Friend!

Happy Sunday to you!  

This afternoon, Vanessa crossed off a life list item by taking Vivi to her first Nutcracker ballet at the Opera House.  It was hard to keep it a secret the last few months as its been Nutcracker central over here, but they got all dressed up and delivered to town.  Based on the intermission pics, everything is going wonderfully.

Anyways, so much to catch up on.  

I hope you're enjoying the start to our last phase of 2018.  It's an anaerobic endurance themed phase to peak you for Holiday Hotness and Winter Sports Ready.  I know some of you wiser folks reading this newsletter may roll your eyes at the themes, but no body likes to look bad at holiday parties, so embrace the fun behind it and try to take advantage of the opportunity.

Bonus Week:  Dec 17 to Dec 22, 2018
Phase 13 is a 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off phase.  If you'd like to make it a 4 weeks on, 2 weeks off phase like, Christine, Anne Marie, Emily, Julie L, Peter, Alicia, Paul, Diane, Lucy and Julie T, then vote by signing up.  Otherwise it'll be 3 weeks with no face to face coaching.

The rate will be $90 for 4 days, $72 for 3 days and $53 for 2 days.   You can pre-pay here.

2019 Change Your Body Boot Camps Schedule
Here is the first draft of the 2019 training schedule.

Differences Now and Then
The last 10 years we had either 38 or 39 weeks of training with 13 or 14 weeks of empowerment (recovery).   

In 2019, we'll have 45 weeks of face to face training (+6) and 7 weeks of empowerment / recovery (-6).

Face to Face Coaching
We'll have a dramatically different feel next year compared to our more traditional 3 weeks on, 1 week off format of the last 8+ years. It'll feel more like a true college, pro, olympic or private sports performance training calendar with the long stretches without breaks.  We should really set some PR's with this format, increase body changes, continue to increase work capacities and build major momentum.  I'm super optimistic for everyone.

· 6 weeks:  1/7 to 1/16
· 7 weeks:  2/25 to 4/13
·10 weeks:  4/22 to 6/29
· 3 weeks:  7/8 to 7/27
· 3 weeks:  8/5 to 8/24
·16 weeks:  9/3 to 12/21

Empowerment Weeks / Recovery Weeks
We'll still have built in recovery / off weeks that compliment the Newton school vacation schedules while lowering our risk for overtraining that could come with high intensity training.

The 7 empowerment weeks are:
  • February Break:  2/17 to 2/24
  • April Break:  4/14 to 4/21
  • 4th of July Week:  6/30 to 7/7
  • Last week of July:  7/28 to 8/4
  • Last week of August:  8/25 to 9/2
  • 2 Weeks at Year End:  12/22 to 1/3

Holiday Breaks
We'll also now take every major holiday off to break up the long stretches and enjoy holidays off without feeling like you're missing training.  

  • MLK (1/21), 
  • Presidents (2/18), 
  • Evacuation Day (3/18)
  • Patriots Day (4/15), 
  • Memorial Day Weekend (F-M, 5/24-5/27),  
  • Independence Day (7/4), 
  • Labor Day (9/2), 
  • Columbus Day (10/14), 
  • Veteran's Day (11/11), 
  • Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday (11/28 and 11/29), 
  • Christmas Day (12/25) 
  • New Year’s Day (1/1)

Make Ups / Rescheduling
With the new schedule, the chances of CYBBC, making up missed classes due to snow days, illness, death, facility schedule changes, etc... make it nearly impossible, so for the most part, what you see on the schedule is what will get delivered.  I do hope to change the 6:30pm, Th, 10/31 Halloween to F, 11/1, but I hadn't yet asked Marisa, prior to sharing this with you.  

Also the 6:30pm, Th, 11/14, as seen above on the schedule image is canceled because of the Holly Harvest Fair.  There's no real way to make it up because the Boys and Girls Club has basketball leagues that night.  If you have any suggestions, please share.  

2019 Memberships
I aim to present your 2019 membership renewal this week or next.  When its ready I'll send it to you.

Until then, please sign up for bonus week, 12/17 to 12/22 now.  If you want to train 1 extra week and not have a 3 week long break from face to face coaching, do it asap.  You'll be glad you did.  Your peers asked for this extra week of training after the 2018 schedule was created, memberships were delivered and they felt and became very sluggish and out of shape from the long break last year.  This is my attempt to listen and take action on what the majority asked for.  

Your coach,

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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