Subject: Be Present! Right now! ... And presents for Teachers!

Hi Friend!

On Monday, Melissa M, was sharing the stories from her weekend and she was really proud of how she not only got her self-care in over the weekend, but how she practiced a mantra to be more present in everything she did.  To be more in the moment of whatever task she was doing or role she was playing and not be somewhere else.  When she was with her kids, her mind wasn't at work.  When she was working out, she wasn't thinking about home stuff that needed to be done.  One thing.  Single focus.  

You know about this.  You've experienced it before and you've probably intentionally practiced it as well.  Some call it meditation.  Some call it mindfulness.  Some call it being more in the present.  It can be stress reducing when your plate feels overloaded.  It can be performance enhancing when you focus on the task at hand and ignore distractions.  

Melissa, thought since we have daily habits we track, what if we had weekly themes that we practiced.  I thought it was a good idea, so yesterday we announced it in class and now over email.  Each day through Memorial Day Monday, I challenge you to be more present in your thoughts, words and actions.  Be with your family, not somewhere else.  Be at work, not at home.  Do your chores, cook your food and be in that moment, not somewhere else.  Every day, when you check in, ask yourself if you were present yesterday.  If yes, high five!  If no, commit to doing better today.  You'll be the winner of your presents and so will the people around you.  Double win.

And to support your effort, find, play and add to your playlist, Right Now by Van Halen, to reinforce your mantra for the week.  We'll be playing it during our warm up this week, to help reinforce it.  

Writing and not multi-tasking,

Coach Mike

p.s.  speaking of presents.  I've created a teacher appreciation summer program to thank teachers for their service and help them recover, renew and prepare for fall.  If you have a contact that is a teacher, professor, staff and/or administrator would you please do an email introduction so I might share it with them.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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