Subject: Anna Hibiscus, Cardio Minutes & Training Schedule

Hi Friend!

Have you read the Anna Hibiscus stories?  We're re-reading them to Vivi as we discovered the Newton Free Library had both the books and the cd's.  

Last week in the 6:30pm, Thursday class I asked the class if they ever cried watching a movie (everyone had except Ed Pollis).  

Then I asked the class if they've ever cried reading a book and fewer people had, which helped Ed to stand out less.

I raised the subject because when I was reading Vivi one of the Anna Hibiscus stories on the bean bag in the library that day, I had to stop because I almost started to cry.  There were a couple of tween girls sitting next to us reading also and I felt a little self-conscious so I paused ("daddy, why are you stopping?"), regrouped and continued on.  

Well, yesterday, we were driving to Tia's house to share some home grown tomatoes with Tio Dennis and family, and we were listening to the Anna Hibiscus goes to Africa CD.  I can't remember if it was the 3rd or the 4th CD, but when her family was too busy to talk to her (and she's obviously the golden child in the book), she got upset.  But they were too busy because they were all hustling to do special things for her big trip to visit granny Canada.  Dad & Uncles were working extra shifts to give her phone card money.  Cousins were making her a scrap book of all the funny things she's done.  Grandma was making her a photo book to remember everyone.  Another Uncle was making her food for the plane, for Canada and a special going away dinner with lots of Chili Peppers.  Her mom was knitting her a cover for a hot water bottle she could sleep with at night (she was going over Christmas) and everyone chipped in to get her a snow suit.  

I don't know why, but I was flooding with tears.  It's possible it was because of the cool African accents, but I think it was the poignancy of all these people caring about her, wanting to do something special for her and already missing her and Anna thinking they didn't love her anymore.  Ah man.  I was a hot mess and we were out of tissues.  Floods.  Chin Drips.  Runny nose.  Red eyes.  All of it.  Maybe I'm going through Mano-pause.  

In any event and speaking of dripping.  

Cardio Minutes - Week 1
What'd you do for cardio minutes last week?  We earned 24min / workout last week.

Your schedule.  
There are 2 weeks left in our summer programming.  This week and next.  Then we're off from 8/25 to 9/2 and we return for 16 weeks straight of training beginning on Tuesday, September 3.  

What's your schedule the next 2 weeks?
Are you here or not?
What days will you be training?

Wondering what's the equivalent to contacts and cutting onions for reading books and watching movies,

Coach Mike

p.s.  please reply now with your cardio minutes and schedule!

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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