Subject: 9/5, Saturday Stretch (7-8:30am)

Hi Friend,

Happy Stretch Eve to you!

Well, we did it. We finished our summer quarter. Four phases. Bub-bye Beach Season #2, training for Summer Sports, Peaking for Fall Sports, Fall Races and Fall Photos.

Now it's time to limber up and loosen up the dams of resistance to let the change happen.

Saturday Stretch

You want intrinsic motivation to put yourself to bed.

The Saturday Stretch is it.

Why is that motivating, because it'll set up your day to be rosy. You'll feel very peaceful and chill. Stressors will easily slide off your tall posture like a well greased pan. Your body will feel good. You'll feel happy. You'll get some fun bonding time with those in attendance and relish in the camaraderie. It's not difficult (well, maybe the rolling is a little difficult). It'll set up your weekend and your week to be high performing from a grounded state. It'll be a perfect closure to your training week, phase and quarter. You may even get great ideas and creative insights.

Do it. You'll be glad you did.

7:00-7:30am Advanced Foam Rolling

7:30-8:30am Static Stretching

Meeting ID: 831 2870 7079

Passcode: gumby

Hope to see you soon,

Coach Mike

p.s. we did 24min of cardio on M and 19min on W / Th / F. Minutes are due Monday!

p.p.s. the next 2 weeks are guests weeks. if you know someone who'd love what we do, do an email introduction or send them this link.

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