Hi Friend!
9 Straight Days of Naps ... in her bed!
Can you believe it?
We thought they might be lost forever.
It felt like torture.
Everyday a tired & cranky child who wouldn't nap.
Everyone says the naps go at a certain age.
People also say parents know their children best.
We kept trying different methods to get the same end result, a nap.
Finally, she's napping in her bed again.
Sometimes there more like sleeps.
We may even after to start waking her so it doesn't mess with bedtime.
That sure is a nice problem to now have.
Thank you universe.
What does this have to do with you?
Habit Tracking What do you track? What do you want badly that you're trying every different method to get your end result? Do you have any current streaks you're on that you're proud of?
Vanessa showed me this morning she's done 50 meditation sessions since August. 50 is a lot. That's pretty cool.
Pete K, a 6am member, told me the other day he did up to 3000 push ups in a year when he last tracked them.
I track attendance, cardio minutes, kick ass weigh ins, private measurements, sleep, meals, exercise, nutrition habits, reps, weight, sets and levels to name a few for clients.
Personally I track strength workouts, conditioning workouts (bursts), cardio minutes, recovery workouts, sleep, meditation, gratitude journaling, and a number of other things that are important to me. I don't get fancy. I write them down with a pencil in my planner. I tally them up at the end of the week and I record a smily face if I hit my goal.
"What gets measured, gets managed." - Peter Drucker
What about you? What habits are you tracking? How's it going?
If you feel like sharing, I'd love to learn about it. Reply and let me know.
Coach Mike
p.s. Phase 12, a Strength Phase, begins, Mon, Oct 30. If you know someone who'd like to be a guest, please let me know.