Subject: 8/21, Saturday Stretch

Humid and misty Friday to you, unless you're Sean and Mich and you were training under blue skies down on the cape this morning, providing all of us with a glimpse of beauty from your refreshing surroundings.

Well we've wrapped up another phase of live training. 9 phases down. 4 to go. This was one of the most fun phases of the year so far. Fun for all of the myriad pieces in your thoughtful programming like hold's and plus's, strong days and fast days, heavier weights and lighter weights, higher skill levels, DB complexes, progressions, finishers.

Next month we get to peak for fall races, fall sports and fall photos by dropping the weights, skill levels and intensity and focusing on power endurance and anaerobic endurance via repeated burst style intervals with insufficient rest. Life stress goes up, training stress goes down. You'll be ready.

Saturday Stretch

Before we get to power endurance and peaking phases, let's get your body ready by focusing on the rest part of the work + rest = success formula.

So put yourself to bed, then get up and stretch with us and you'll be glad you did. It's easy (maybe not the foam rolling) and you'll leave feeling pleasant, loose, relaxed and peaceful. Your body will feel good and you'll realize it's the perfect compliment to the great training you did all week. Yin to the yang!

7:30-8:00am Advanced Foam Rolling

8:00-9:00am Static Stretching

Meeting ID: 831 2870 7079

Passcode: gumby

Hope to see you soon,

Coach Mike

p.s. we did 19min of cardio on M / Th / F and 24min on T / W. Minutes are due Monday!

p.p.s. we're 5 weeks from our possible return to full time in person training beginning 9/27. Are you ready? I'll be sending a survey soon, to ask you your thoughts, so please start thinking about it.

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