Subject: 7 Things I Learned in Dallas!

Hi Friend!

You ever been to Dallas?

My wife and I went there this past weekend for her BFF's wedding.  It was my first time.  It was an interesting and different experience and definitely a lot of fun.

7 things I learned that might be useful to you!

1.  Stay at the Renaissance Hotel by Marriott.  They have a great hotel gym with almost everything you'd want for a great workout including rollers, TRX, battle ropes, pull up bars, mats, kettlebells, dumbbells, bands, cable cross, adjustable benches and a great selection of high end cardio pieces.  I did the Personalized Treadmill Workout and it was perfectly appropriate for making myself feel good after flying and also the day after a late night of celebrating.  It's also fun and simple.
2.  It's not a walking city.  Be prepared to drive.
3.  When you train like no one else, you get to eat like no else.  The BBQ is mmm Good.  The guys ate at Hard Eight and apparently Mikey put on a show because no one had a tray piled as high as me, so they all watched me finish eating when they were done.  

Q:  "How do you stay so lean?" 
A:  "I workout!" ... "And I own a fitness business" ... "And today is my splurge day" ... "And I already burned and earned this morning!"

4.  Top Golf doesn't count as full cardio minutes.  Think real driving range meets dart board holes and video games.  It would count as full cardio minutes if you played by yourself, but with a group, you'd probably have to divide the total minutes by the number of people who played.  Boston should get one of these as they're really fun.
5.  The Floss!  It's almost a year since this move hit mainstream and I hadn't heard of it.  It's fun to try and do and it'll make you laugh.
6.  The Wobble!  This is an older one originating from 2012, but the groom, who can dance, requested this and led it and it was real fun.  Here's a dance tutorial and if you click on the wobble you can here the song.
7.  Dancing counts as cardio minutes!  I've been tracking cardio minutes, ever since I met Dr. Tom Halton and he published The Weight Loss Triad.  It's a useful prescription for people looking to lose weight and it can be walking, low intensity, high intensity, interval training, preferably weight bearing to get full cardio minutes or half cardio minutes if it's weight bearing.  Dancing counts as full cardio minutes because you're weight bearing, its multi-joint, multi-planar, compound movements  and its super fun.  

Other random things:
Not everyone drives a pick up truck.  Gas on average is only 30cents cheaper.  There were cows and horses just outside of city proper.  Highways are massive.  Buildings are massive.  Not everyone wears cowboy boots and buckles.  Southern manners are pretty cool.  Logan is a better airport.  They really don't like the cold, like we really don't like their heat.  Don't de-bone the chicken when you make Jumbalaya if you wanna be a real Cajun and for that matter don't buy pre-made "roo" if you want to be a real Cajun, but both are up for debate.  Reflection dances for the bride and groom are pretty neat.  Bubbles for guests are a pretty fun way to send off the bride and groom.  Everyone was disappointed I didn't repeat my lunchtime BBQ performance at the weddings buffet (too full).  

Happy week of training!

Coach Mike

p.s.  Saturday is Measurements & Orientation.  Monday, April 23 is Phase 5.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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