Subject: 6:30pm, BC Make Up Tonight @ MC, Plus Week 2 Cardio Minutes!

Hi Friend!

Do you feel ready now?  We got the first real snow storm out of the way and there's more to come.  

How did your body feel during?  Strong I hope.  

Did the shovel side tosses remind you of the medicine ball hockey throws?  They did for me.  In fact, my favorite shovel throw is the front scoop and throw behind.  It reminds me a lot of the hockey throw and the diagonal raise.  Plus, I think it contributed well to a tighter stomach this morning.  :-)  

How about the hot chocolate?  Did you have some?  I did.  That is my favorite thing to look forward to after shoveling and snow blowing.  Hot chocolate.  Yumbo.  Starchy carbs are great too, though if you're like Vivi and me, you were probably ferociously hungry after "playing" in the snow, so practicing the nutrition habit of stopping at 80% full comes in real handy when you're eating fast.  Vivi does it automatically.  She crushed her 1st plate and the stopped 1/2 way through her 2nd, ripped the bib off and took off running with greasy hands.  Me on the other hand, had to be mindful that I was eating fast on my 1st plate (that's a sign), so I needed to be more thoughtful on my 2nd plate with my serving size, pace and stopping @ 80% full.   

6:30pm, Make Up!
6:30pm, Tonight, Fri, Feb 10 @ MC
RSVP by text to 413.218.6607 to let me know you're coming.
Be there.  If you have kids and it helps you get your workout in, bring your kids and they can watch, read, play on the stage. 

Cardio Minutes - Week 2
Time          Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am      20                20                20               60
9:00am      23                23                23               69
6:30pm      20                23                23*              66
Here's your minutes.  We should be b/w 60-69 for next week as well.  Minutes are due Monday.
*Guessing we get 23 tonight.

Snow Saturday through Monday!
It's supposed to snow this weekend.  Great.  You're winter sport ready.  Get outdoors and have fun.  Apply all the hard work you've put into training by playing outdoors.  Ski, snowboard, snowshoe, cross country ski, sled, ice skate, hike, shovel, build forts, make snow angels, get in a hot tub and lie in the snow with your bare skin.  Have fun!

I hate canceling and rescheduling, so always assume we're on, until you hear otherwise.  If we have to cancel, we'll reschedule to Monday, February 20.  

Attached are the nutrition habits, warm ups and workout card for reference if you get stuck without yours and want to keep your momentum.  If you need help making up alternatives for the cardio or exercises, text me.

Burn & Earn!

Your coach,

Mike Alves

p.s.  minutes are due Monday!

p.p.s.  see attached for habits, warm up and workout card.
Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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