Subject: 6 Tips from 6 Years

Hi Friend!

Happy 6th Wedding Anniversary to me (and my bride)!  Saturday was our big day.  Yes, it was 11/11 and yes, it was me, that wanted the 11/11/11 date.  And so far so good.  

We had a wonderful day and weekend.  My parents came up and stayed with us so they got to spend QT with Vivi and vice versa and we got to be care free for a long moment and it felt great.

I don't know about you, but we're always looking for awesome role models to learn from, so here are 6 things I've learned in 6 years, shared in no particular order that may inspire, remind, motivate, educate, entertain or simply help you have a better life and training experiences.

  1. Listen to the Woman!  Sydney Dean had it right, when he told Billy Hoyle in White Men Can't Jump, "Listen to the Woman!".  Life goes easier when your partner feels heard.  If you want to be a part of a team, you've gotta make sure your coach & peers feel heard and you take action on what your hear.
  2. Find Role Models!  You want to change your body?  Find someone who's done it before and/or who helps people do it.  Want to have a successful marriage?  Find people who have great marriages AND have been married a long time.  We haven't been married a long time, so we don't count.
  3. Talk It Out In Advance!  Wanna get a workout in, in the morning, the evening, in the middle of the day, on the weekend?  You're more likely to get a supportive yes or absolutely or of course, if you ask if it's cool in advance.  Of course your partner wants you to train.  Who doesn't want to be partnered with some eye candy.
  4. Care!  Just like anything in life.  If you don't care, nobody else is going to care. If you care about your BFF, your BFF is going to care about you.  If your BFF's goals are your goals, then your goals are her goals.  Capesh?
  5. Set Boundaries!  You don't have to agree on everything and you don't have to say yes to everything.  You have to both care about your partner and her goals and you have to care about yourself and your goals, but you don't have to compromise your values.  It's o.k. to take a stand.  You'll be respected for it later.  I think.  Most of the time.  I'm pretty sure.  I'm sure.  :-)
  6. Do Family Workouts!  Everyone loves happy hormone highs!  The more often you can find ways for the whole family to do workouts together or for your partner and you to do a workout together, the better.  Pick workouts that have  a little something for everyone.  Take turns choosing workouts.  Let your partner outperform you sometimes and let them have the opportunity to talk trash (if that's your kind of thing).  The relish in how much closer you are after.

These are 6 things I've learned in 6 years of marriage.  I hope you have a great day and enjoy the pictures.

2011 Wedding Day!
Mmmmm.  Your skin is so soft and you smell so good.  
2014 CYBBC 5 Year Anniversary Party 
@ Bond
She was prego here with Vivi, but it was too early to announce.
2016 Christmas Card Photo Shoot
I love this woman!
Enjoying each moment,

Coach Mike

p.s.  Our Last Phase of the Year (P13) begins Mon, Nov 27.  

p.p.s.  Measurements & Orientation are Sat, Nov 18.

p.p.p.s.  Registration closes, at 11:59pm, today, Tuesday, Nov 14.  If you know someone who'd be a good fit for us, please do an email intro, share our url and/or forward them the registration packet.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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