Subject: 2024, Q3, P9 Overview!

Hi Friend!

Late night and/or early morning to you! I had a short and restful couple of days. Lots of Olympics in the background, workouts and staying close to home. We've found a local pool that we really enjoy and visited there. Vivi got this Throw, Throw Burrito game for her birthday and that's been getting a lot of use (I recommend it if you have kids and/or need to get a kid a gift). Vanessa's got meal prep dialed in and our fridge and freezer are full. Time for phase 9!

P9 Links

Q3 Review

We've got 2 phases to go. This one, phase 9 is our last intensity phase (suggested DB Load = 30-50% BW). September, P10 is a peaking phase (suggested DB Load = 15-35% BW).

After a couple of days off (Th, 8/1 to Su, 8/4)and lots of long stretches of training, we're back to 3 weeks on, 1 week off. This will be fast. Give the best effort you can over these next 3 weeks. Try to progress and build as much strength & athleticism as you can, then recover & recharge during summer break #3 (8/24 to 9/1).

We'll unload you and practice expressing all of the results you earned this summer come September. If you're an endurance athlete, find a race that looks fun for mid-to-late September (weekends of 9/21, 9/28, 10/5 and 10/12 would be good for you). If you choose a date, check in with me, so I can help you taper and peak.

If you're doing a fall sport, start practicing your sport. Your general fitness, durability and athleticism should be ready. Your sports specific endurance and skills will not.

And since we still have ~ 7 weeks left of summer (season wise), keep enjoying and peaking for beach season & summer sports.

Bereavement Make Ups

We've got 2 make up days remaining. We'll make those up on Labor Day (full schedule) and Indigenous People's Day (a.m. only).

  • W, 5/1 a.m. will be made up, F, 7/5 @ virtual

  • Th, 5/2 p.m. was made up, M, 5/27 (Memorial Day) @ MC

  • F, 5/3, a.m. will be made up, M, 10/14 (Indigenous People's Day; a.m. only) @ virtual

  • M, 5/6, a.m. + p.m. will be made up, M 9/2 (Labor Day) @ virtual

  • T, 5/7, p.m. will be made up, T, 7/9 @ MC

  • W, 5/8, a.m. will be made up W, 7/10 @ virtual

  • Th, 5/9, p.m. will be made up, Th, 7/11 @ MC

  • F, 5/10, a.m. will be made up, F, 7/12 @ virtual

  • M, 5/13, a.m. + p.m. will be made up, M, 7/29 @ virtual

  • Th, 5/23, p.m. will be made up, T, 7/30 @ virtual

  • F, 5/24, a.m. will be made up, W, 7/31 @ virtual

Q3 Schedule

P7: June (6/9-6/28, 3 on, 0 off)

P8: July (6/30-7/31, 5 on, 0 off)

P9: August (8/5-8/23, 3on, 1 off)

P10: September (9/3-9/27, 4on, 0 off)

We're in the middle of a CYBBC Summer Training Record of 11 weeks straight, culminating with a week off, the last week of August (8/24 to 9/1). Then September's phase 10, is 4 weeks long and is part of a 16 weeks straight stretch of training to finish the year. This is serious momentum and a not common opportunity. "Can you capture it?" - Eminem

Q3 No Training Dates and Empowerment Week

P7: 6/19 (Juneteenth), 7/4 (4th of July)

P8: 8/1 and 8/2, summer break #2 (remaining days)

P9: 8/24 to 9/1, summer break #3

Take time off whenever you can AND when possible try to plan to be off, when we're off.

Also, if it's possible to train virtually with us and/or use the workout cards / recordings while you're off and away, do it. The gift of happy hormone highs post workout, given to yourself during time off is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. You'll be glad you did it. No regrets! Plus if you're with people, it'll be super special for them to experience being around you when you're at your best.

Phase 9

P9's theme is strength & intensity. You're looking to get stronger. We'll increase the suggested total DB load to 30-50% BW on strong days and keep it at 15-35% BW on light & fast days, however we'll also be increasing the skill level of many exercises, so there will actually be very few exercises in which you're using heavier loads.

DB Complex

This phase we'll do 3 reps per exercise with 5seconds rest b/w reps. The lunge will be forward. The single leg straight leg dead lift will add a high knee. It should be a fair challenge to do the Hang Power Cleans with the suggested 30-50% BW total DB Load. It'll be much harder to do the Hang Speed Snatch with that load, so if you can increase your weights from last phase by 1-5 lbs. / hand, consider that a win!

Conditioning and Finishers

To help keep things fresh, I've rotated the days and the within exercise order for all workouts, except the triathlon relay, in which the day rotated, but the order remained the same. I have been doing wk1: half court, wk2: 3/4 court and wk3: full court, but I've also made it individual specific, so it's both fun to do and effective.


Day 1=Core

Day 2=Legs

Day 3=Beach Muscles

In Person:

Tues: Triathlon Relay

Thurs: Base Running

P7, Workout Schedule

For those curious about double sessions and/or training on back to back days, here's our workout schedule.

Phase 9 - Warm Up & Cool Down

Try to memorize these. It'll help you set up your space, so your fast in your transitions with the right equipment readily available, plus you'll better anticipate what's coming, so you get the most out of your workout time.

Phase - Workout A (Extra Equipment)

Phase 9 - Workout A (Virtual)

Phase 9 - Workout B (Extra Equipment)

Phase 9 - Workout B (Virtual)

P9, Cardio Minutes

Not to be confused with the completed phase 8 cardio minutes (see in the p.s. below to reply).

I've got a good feel for what we'll do in class, so I thought I'd share it so you could plan and prepare better and be more accurate in your reporting.

Nutrition Habits

Keep what's working, attach a new habit to it and/or try something else. Right now I've been practicing with great success (1) having dinner be my last meal. I've stacked this on top of:

  • 16oz of H2O upon waking

  • vitamins w/ morning water

  • 10 push ups while waiting for water to fill

  • 1 gallon or (8) 16oz glasses of water / day

  • writing it on my workout card

  • tracking it on my planner

Guest Weeks

This week and next are guests weeks.   All of September is Guest Month!

Who knows what's coming up this fall and in 2025 with the return to school, year end pushes, the election and the world.

You're positioned well to manage the stressors of life while presenting your best self to all situations. Athlete on demand remember!

You've got your CYBBC family and me to help you be consistent. You have your Calgon, place of joy where you can shed your roles & responsibilities and just be you and focus on moving, sweating and having fun getting better.

Imagine how the energy within and around your favorite people, the resiliency, confidence and joy could for them change if they had what you have.

The easiest way to support your friends, family, neighbors and colleagues is to email introduce them, so I can answer their questions and get them set up.

You can also send them to this link where they can learn more.

See you soon,

Coach Mike

p.s. what'd you get for cardio minutes last week? we did 20 min in the a.m. and 26min in the p.m.

p.p.s. here's the phase 9 links again!

Q3, P9 Links

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