Subject: 2024, Phase 1 Workout Card, Links & Membership Rates

Hi Friend,

Happy 2nd day of 2024!

We are back. It's going to be great. You're going to work off the holiday rust and work towards a high performance year. You're going to have fun with movements, getting better and training with your peers. There's more to come, but let's start there.

Phase 1 Links

Zoom Links

Meeting ID: 895 1962 9800

Passcode: 4for4

Recordings Folder

workout card, extra (pdf)

workout card, virtual (pdf)

45min stretch (pdf)

stretch & sprint (pdf)

Saturday Stretches (recordings)

2024 Membership Rate Change

On February 1, 2024, membership rates will automatically increase to the below rates unless your current membership term has not completed. I will also be sending you a membership renewal email so you may continue the progress, stability and athlete lifestyle you've come to know and love while training in a group personal training program under the supervision of a highly experienced coach in both the management & treatment of injuries, aesthetics and performance while following a periodized and progressive program than can be tailored to you.

Remember Change Your Body Boot Camps is a sweet spot. It's not a talk at you online class, it's a 2-way coaching program. It's not a drop in class where you're a number not a person, it's a group personal training program where you're held accountable and known. It's not a high risk barbell exercises and activities program with incomplete & non-personalized warm ups that trains you to failure increasing your injury risk and frying your central nervous system. We're a functional training program that trains you like an athlete and considers that you have to go to work the next day. We're not semi-private training, though it's pretty close, but our investment is much less because you share the cost. We're not private training, though it often feels like it with the coaching and the care, and again the investment is so much less you can do this ongoing hopefully forever. We're really unique. That's why you've chosen us. And we're going to continue getting better together.

12-Month Memberships

3x/wk @ $345/mo.

2x/wk @ $253/mo.

1x/wk @ $163/mo.

3-Month Memberships

3x/wk @ $435/mo.

2x/wk @ $309/mo.

1x/wk @ $199/mo

The 15% off / mo. student, family & corporate discount is still available.

Schedule this Week

6:30pm, T @ Virtual, Th @ MC

6:00am, W / F @ Virtual

9:00am, W / F @ Virtual

7:30-8:30am, Sun, Stretch & Sprint @ MC

Tomorrow the Q1 and P1 Overviews will be emailed.

See you soon,


p.s. here are the links again:

Phase 1 Links

Zoom Links

Meeting ID: 895 1962 9800

Passcode: 4for4

Recordings Folder

workout card, extra (pdf)

workout card, virtual (pdf)

45min stretch (pdf)

stretch & sprint (pdf)

Saturday Stretches (recordings)

p.p.s. Cardio Minutes & Total # of Strength Workouts are due for the last 3 weeks

12/11 to 12/17, Wk4:

12/18 to 12/24, EW1:

12/25 to 12/31, EW2:

Please reply now with your data!

p.p.p.s. Suggestion Box:

What do you love about CYBBC and that we need to keep doing?

What do you wish we would change, take out and/or add to make CYBBC even better?

Reply with answers whenever you feel so compelled.

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