Subject: 2024, P2 Overview

Hi Friend,

Happy Sunday to you! I hope you had a fun and restful weekend and you feel recharged and excited for a new week ahead.

Phase 2 Links

Zoom Link (thank Pete)

P2 Zoom Recordings Folder

extra pdf

virtual pdf

Stretch Only Video

Stretch pdf

Stretch & Sprint pdf

Phase 2 Overview

  • Q1 Themes: Weight Loss, Pillar Stability & Spring Sports Ready continue.

  • P2 Themes: Fast & Progressions.

  • Total DB Load stays 15-30% BW

  • Progressed Simple Movements

  • 20:20 Interval Work Sets for Strength also Stays

  • Basic Planking Levels Get Progressed

  • Continue to Aim for Near Full Workouts From Day 1

Insider Trading

Are you feeling energized? Hopefully you're noticing that each workout and each week you're gainer more energy and feeling more optimistic. If you can imagine this compounding workout by workout and week by week, then you might be able to imagine how you'll feel mid-March heading towards Q2, April and spring. Buy stock in you!

Progress the Program as you Progress

I mentioned in class that the collective membership has leveled up, so I'm going to progress the programming of simple exercises a little sooner than anticipated, which is going to impact the programming for the rest of the year. You noticed it last phase on the 4 point stability when I had you doing rocking planks, planks w/ alternating knee flexion and straight leg hip abduction reps on the side plank.

You'll see it this phase, though you may not notice it. A Concrete example would be progressing you from split squats to Towel Goblet Reverse Lunges. Normally I'd encourage you to do a DB Goblet or a 2-DB Goblet Split Squat in Phase 2. Instead I'm going to challenge you with a more challenging movement that you may be able to keep the load low on and still move fast. Fast and simple to accomplish our quarter goals.

Week 1

Train as hard or as simple as you feel like on any given day. Progress as you feel ready on any given day. Feel good, have fun, get energized.

Week 2

You should be feeling even better than week 1 and ready to progress even more. Level up, add more weight and/or increase your resistance even if it's only 1 exercise, set or round. Keep training fast!

Week 3

If we got 4 rounds in either of the 1st 2 weeks you may be feeling a little tired and that's normal. Consider taking a step back with level, reps and/or resistance until you feel fresh again. If you feel fresh and/or when you feel fresh go for the reps I suggest and get your personal records.

Week 4

If your:

  • body is feeling great,

  • momentum is rolling,

  • eyes are sparkling,

  • energy is super high,

  • to do list has check marks and cross offs

  • and you feel like you're winning, is good. High Five yourself. You rock. You might do level 3-4 (is there such a thing) or you might say, "hey Mike! I need a challenge, what do you got for me?". Won't that be fun.

It's always a great time to practice your nutrition plan and it's a really smart time to be practicing it when you're training as intensely as you are on your program. You'll feel, see and experience the health, body transformation and performance results faster and more poignantly.

Make it count. Follow the plan. Have fun. Rinse & repeat.

Q1 Schedule: Jan 2 to March 15 (10 on, 1 off)

  • 7 weeks straight to start the year

  • off New Year's Day (1/1), MLK Day (1/15), President's Day (2/19)

  • Empowerment Week (public school winter vacation): 2/17 to 2/25

  • 3 weeks straight to finish the quarter

    • (part of 7 weeks straight to April Vacation)

Phase 1: Jan 2 to Jan 26 (4 on, 0 off)

Phase 2: Jan 28 to Feb 16 (3 on, 1 off)

Phase 3: Feb 26 to Mar 15 (3 on, 0 off)

Weekend Workout Schedule

I call them weekend workouts to preserve flexibility to do other cool stuff, but right now what's working are the stretch & sprints.

It's a great casada.

  • The stretch makes you feel good.

  • The sprint energizes you.

  • It's early in the day so you feel energized and good all day.

  • It's social as the virtual and in person, the 6am, 9am and 6:30pm all get together.

  • Sometimes there's breakfast / brunch opportunities to continue the happy hormone highs with your peers.


  • 7:30-8:30am, Sun, 1/7: Stretch & Sprint @ MC, Stretch Only @ Virtual

  • 7:30-8:30am, Sun, 1/28:  Stretch & Sprint @ MC, Stretch Only @ Virtual

  • 7:30-8:30am, Sun, 3/3: Stretch & Sprint @ MC

Equipment Suggestions

You're encouraged to continue upgrading your minimalist equipment and to build your home gym.


  1. Exercise Mat: get a great one now that you know you love CYBBC

  2. Foam Roller: get a perform better 1.5' or 3' black roller; if you have that get a Rollga or Vibration roller for your arsenal.

  3. Superbands: everyone should have (2). The 1/2" and the 1".

  4. Mini Bands: everyone should have the 4 pack (yellow, green, blue & black). If yours is stretched out get new one's. They're inexpensive compared to the 4 and 5 digit thigh and cable machines at the gyms.

  5. Pair of DB's. Get yourself some power blocks if you've been training awhile. You'll love them and be glad you did. Try to get one's that have the small pins in side, so you can go from 1 or 2.5 to 3 or 5lbs and up.

  6. Hand Towel. Get a super soft terry cloth or a microfiber, that slides good for the gym and soaks up sweat well.

  7. Waterbottle. Get something that's not going to run out. Maybe get the Stanley. I hear they don't melt in car fires. ;-)

Level Up

Membership Info


Feb 1st all memberships will auto renew at rates previously emailed on January 1, 2024 and will be billed on a month-to-month basis. If you had a family, student and/or corporate discount or a hybrid athlete membership, it'll be automatically set up as before.

This will allow me extra time if needed to build an online membership form vs. paper form. When it's ready, I'll be sending you a link to choose between option A or B (e.g. 12-month 3-day or 2-day), in which you can create an account and sign up online (No more paper!) and can make a commitment to yourself and to me.

P2 Weekly Schedule:

Week 1:

6:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual

9:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual

6:30pm, M @ Virtual, T / Th @ MC

Week 2:

6:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual

9:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual

6:30pm, M @ Virtual, T / Th @ MC

Week 3:

6:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual

9:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual

6:30pm, M @ Virtual, T / Th @ MC

P2 Weekly Workout Schedule

Week 1:

a.m. ABA

p.m. BAB

Week 2:

a.m. BAB

p.m. ABA

Week 3:

a.m. ABA

p.m. BAB

Warm Up & Cool Down

Workout A - Extra

Workout A - Virtual

Workout B - Extra

Workout B - Virtual

Nutrition Habits

Pick something that you can win at.

Try for streaks!  

Vanessa and I are doing 75 Hard together. We started December 1st, but have slipped a bunch of times. Vanessa says she won the "Begin Again" Award this past week for how many times she had to start over. Even though we haven't gone 75 days yet, we've practiced every day. Vanessa mostly has forgotten her picture. I've been short on drinking water twice. The awesome thing is we've practiced it everyday even though we missed in some way. The 75 consecutive days is hard, but we've done the challenge everyday.

So...pick your habit, write out the rules of your nutrition plan and see how may days in a row you can get it and do your cardio & strength workouts. Even if you mess up in some way, you can still have momentum on the other areas.


Guest Week

The 1st 2 weeks of every phase are guest week, which means next week is guest week.

If you know someone who might love what we do and can do what we do, email introduce them and invite them to come and train with us. I'll take care of the rest.

That's enough for now!

See you tomorrow!

Make it count!


p.s. we did 24min / workout this week. Minutes are due tomorrow! Reply now with your minutes.

p.p.s. here are the Phase 2 Links again:

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