Subject: 2024, P10 Overview (Part 2)

Hi Friend,

Happy Saturday to you!!

Gosh, do you remember "when life stress goes up, training stress goes down" or specifically during back to school and year end, when life stress goes up, training stress goes down. Well, we are smack dab in the middle of return to school, school routines, schedules, extracurriculars, emails, papers, meetings, appointments, forms, checking backpacks, packing snacks / lunches, laundry for special clothes, drop offs/pick ups, all of it. I am swimming in a deep pool of reactiveness and proactiveness and fascinated that I feel so lucky to have watched my clients for the last 20+ years go through this to know better what to expect and how to still take care of myself, get stuff done, be flexible and be kind.

That doesn't mean there are no mistakes as I was "18min late" according to Vivi at a school pick up for an appointment this week because I forgot what time school gets out. Doh!

Now I'm writing from Vivi's gymnastics practice because I'm playing catch up. The beauty is I've got Vanessa's full support and Vivi's begrudging support ("...fine dad, but you're going to miss all the new stuff I'll be learning...") to work because they recognize how much time I didn't get to work this week while I helped with family stuff. Then we're off to clothes shopping for a Colorado wedding we're heading to in 2 weeks (see more below), then early to bed to get my 10 hrs tonight and then stretch & sprint, yard work and meal prep tomorrow. When life stress goes up, ... training stress goes down.

Phase 10 Links

Phase 10's Peaking Phase!

That's the theme. Peaking. Peaking for fall sports, fall races, fall events and fall photos. Q3 is the only quarter that has 4 phases. The rest of the quarters are comprised of 3 phases. The last phase of a quarter is always our peaking phase in which week 1 feels like week 3 (isn't that what you said on Tuesday Amita, that week 1 felt like week 3?). That's because by the time you hear & maybe see the movements, you already know what to do. You almost don't need to see me demo because of your familiarity. If you don't need to see the demo and you know what to do in most cases just by hearing it, then it means the demos if any are shorter, leaving more time to do the full workout in week 1.

Doing the math. If week 1 feels like week 3, then what will phase 10's week 2, 3 and 4 feel like? Hopefully they feel like change happening FAST!

Tapering / Unloading

Empowerment weeks and week 1's tend to be tapering and unloading weeks. Often times and in many cases you do much less work than you did in week 3 and/or week 4 in which you do the full workouts. These tapering and unloading weeks allow you to recover so you can realize and reap the benefits of your efforts from the previous phase & quarter by becoming stronger, leaner, faster, quicker and more energized.

That realizing and reaping the benefits is what I'm aiming for you to experience in your peaking phases and most especially THIS peaking phase.

When you taper for a race it means after your longest run say for example 22miles if you train for a marathon, you'll have 1 to 2 weeks of unloading or tapering in which your mileage decreases so you can recover and get stronger to peak for the marathon.

In strength & conditioning or specifically in Change Your Body Boot Camps, we spent June, July & August, phases 7, 8 and 9, building strength and skills through some of our most advanced programming and heaviest loads. You've heard me call these intensity phases, in which we increased the intensity each phase. You also may have noticed the reps decreased this quarter with some exercises starting with as few as 4 reps (e.g. 1-leg squats to a MB). The reason the reps were so few is because the intensity of the exercise, skill was so great that it took a lot of effort (and time) just to get 4 reps, compared to 1-leg squats on a bench or to a bench, which are equally challenging, but not as intense as 1-leg squatting to a ball. And 1-leg squats are much more intense (and take more time) than rear foot elevated splits squats, which are way more intense (and take more time) than a regular split squat.

So P7, 8 & 9 were intensity phases and much like running your 22 mile in preparation for a 26.2 marathon race, we're now going to begin our taper.

Armor vs. Lead Suit: Same, Same, but Different!

Another thing you often hear me say is putting on our armor. When you lift weights, when you strength train, when you challenge your body with difficult strength and skill exercises, you build up your body & mind to be stronger and more durable. You put your armor on. Little things don't bother you as much or at all and big things can often look like a challenge you can meet and take on.

Physical Armor

Story: When I play basketball and I've strength trained earlier in the day, I have my armor on. I don't even realize it until there are bumps, contact and collisions with other people. They notice it, but I don't. And if they don't like it they start complaining or giving me contact or cheap shots back. It's fine and part of the game, but that's the beauty. I don't even feel it. When I played basketball in high school before starting to lift weights regularly in college, I was ALWAYS on the ground from contact and collisions (I graduated 5'11, 147 lbs.). Now I'm only on the ground if my feet get tangled up with someone else's. It's so fun to have your armor on.  

Psychological Armor

Story #2: The other part of your armor is your courage or psychological resilience. You spiritually, emotionally, mentally, your confidence, your attitude, whatever you want to call it, when your armor is on, you either don't feel pushback or no's or negativity, or it doesn't even matter, because you have the durability, resiliency, confidence and focus to keep going on the path you've chosen in the moment and you almost can't be stopped. It's awesome. It's fantastic. It's noticeable by others. It feels great.

Vanessa's an Alpha. Her way isn't always right (I mean it's almost always right, but I may not always be ready to hear it), and sometimes you have to push back. Our developers bully my non-American neighbors and try to bully me. Nope. I push right back and give my neighbors the words and encouragement to push back for themselves. The Alves are tough. When they were in Portugal and were sustenance farmers and didn't have enough food, they rented out the kids to other families to help with work on their properties. When they came to America, they were called, "green horns" and everyone doubted them because they were immigrants, so they were constantly having to prove themselves. When your armor is on, you might not even notice pushbacks or words people say. Vanessa is always saying, "how did you feel when so and so said that." "I didn't even notice", would be my reply. "That didn't make you feel bad or bother", she might say. "Nope! But now that you mention it, it wasn't very kind of them."

Lead Suit

Sometimes however the armor can feel heavy. Nobody wants to feel like their armor and/or their body feels like a lead suit weighing them down. Especially when you have so many responsibilities and people counting on you.

Tangent: When you make time to train and you train, you change your identity and become this superhuman version of yourself. It's an awesome experience. The side effect is people around you now expect you to be that person all the time because you're more awesome than ever and who wouldn't want to be around superhuman people. It's cool.

When your armor starts to feel heavy and worse if it feels like a lead suit you need to rest & recover asap. Imagine how heavy a runner's legs feel after a 22mile run. Do you think they want to run 24 or 26 miles the following weekend? No way. They haven't recovered and adapted yet. They need to back off, unload and taper so that the super compensation effects (results) of overreaching (running further than they have all program) can progress them forward to peak for race day.

That's the same same here. You've built up strength and durability, skill and athleticism, power and explosiveness all summer and now it's time to show it off. You don't want to be strong and slow. You want to be strong and fast and athletic.

So we're going to peak you. Peak you for fall sports, fall races, fall events and fall photos.

Plus. Everyone, not just CYBBC people, are transitioning from summer vacation mode into fall routines and kicking butt mode. Work's going to get more focused. Parents are going to have to support kids more with school and chauffeuring to after school activities. It's time to finish strong on your Q3, fall and 2024 goals, and get ready for the upcoming holiday season. The college kids and buzz are back in the city and what better advantage for you to shine than to have your program energize you so you can step up and stand out to perform at a high level.

How are we going to do it?

Many movements will get simpler.

e.g.#1: 3:1 Push Up to Downward Dog becomes Push Ups

The intensities will get lighter so you can get faster while the movement is still be present so you can preserve your strength.

e.g.#2: last phase, you had (3) suggested strong days with a DB Load of 30-50% BW and (3) suggested light and fast days w/ a DB Load of 15-35% BW on each workout card. This phase you'll have (3) suggested strong days with a DB Load of 20-40%, 25-45% and 30-50% BW and again (3) suggested light and fast days w/ DB Loads of 15-35% BW on each workout card.

The intensities are still there to help you keep your strength, but their sum totals will be less allowing you to recover more.

e.g.#3: we used to do 20:10, work-to-rest for 3 rounds, in which you did as many reps as possible in 20 seconds and then you rested for 10 seconds. This would help emphasize training fast and expressing your strength, skills and athleticism quickly. Plus it would develop your anaerobic endurance because of the quick pace.

e.g.#4: we are now going to do undulated periodization (big words) and have (3) different interval intensities you'll use for strength training. 30:15 for 2 rounds, 60:30 for 1 round and 20:10 for 3 rounds. On the 30:15 days, you'll choose medium loads and levels, with the goal of picking weights and exercise levels that you can do for the full 30 seconds. On 60:30 days you'll pick light weights and simple levels that you can do for 60 seconds straight without resting. On 20:10 days you'll choose more challenging weights and skill levels that you can do for 20 seconds straight without resting.

e.g.#5: we'll do straight sets or cluster sets vs. supersets or circuit training. This means you'll do all your sets of push ups before you move on to your lower body exercise. This will develop endurance in your muscles and help you to build muscle and strength. Plus you'll get a hypertrophy and fat loss aesthetic affect.

e.g.#6: speaking of aesthetics, if we're trying to peak you for fall sports, races, events and photos, then taking off the "lead suit" should also have an aesthetic affect by helping you to present more functionally lean with increased muscle definition. And you should see it in your face, but like always this comes down to what you do in the kitchen, at the table and what you order from the menu. So most of the time try to choose foods that support your health, body composition and performance and stop eating when you're content, satisfied and no longer hungry.

Phase 10 Warm Up & Cool Down

You know I'm very responsive and if you don't know, hopefully I'll positively show you that. However, I am having trouble responding to Pete & Stephanie's request to give more time to the "FFE and RFE Half Kneel Instep to OH" and "... Cherry Picking Arm Drivers". As always I welcome your feedback. Julie T gave me a great idea, to make the movements before and after more simple, so it's easier to transition to and from. That seed is planted and I'm marinating on it.

Phase 10, Workout A - Extra

Phase 10, Workout A - Virtual

Phase 10, Workout B - Extra

Phase 10, Workout B - Virtual

Phase 10 Schedule

M, 09/02/24 to F, 09/27/24, 4 weeks

Week 1

6:00a.m., M / W / F @ Virtual

9:00a.m., M / W / F @ Virtual

6:30p.m., M @ Virtual, T / Th @ MC

Week 2

6:00a.m., M / W / F @ Virtual

9:00a.m., M / W / F @ Virtual

6:30p.m., M / T @ MC, Th @ Virtual*

*Montessori School has Th, 9/12 reserved

Week 3

6:00a.m., M / W @ Virtual**

9:00a.m., M / W @ Virtual**

6:30p.m., M / T @ MC**

*See schedule below. Personal days (Colorado wedding)

Week 4

6:00a.m., M / W / F @ Virtual

9:00a.m., M / W / F @ Virtual

6:30p.m., M @ Virtual, T / Th @ MC

Phase 10, Weekly Workout Schedule

Here's the workout schedule so you can plan accordingly.

If you train, 3x/wk, you're highly encouraged to do a recording in week 3 and try to fill a full workout card. It's psychological powerful to hold a fully completed workout card. Take a picture and share it with me if you do.

Phase 10 Predicted Cardio Minutes

Virtual Mondays have our lower body finisher this phase, so those days will have the most cardio minutes in the a.m. workouts.

The in person p.m.'s have more minutes because of the conditioning at the end and the MB (core 1) and Hurdle (core 2) circuits also counting as cardio, whereas virtually, we count squat jumps (core 1) or split squat jumps (core 2), as cardio, but not wall wall + hollows (core 2) or band signatures + reaching runs (core 1).

Minutes are due Monday!

Weekend Workouts

Here are the next 4 Stretch & Sprints!

7:30-8:30am, Sun, 9/8 @ NN Track & Turf

7:30-8:30am, Sun, 9/24 @ TBD

7:30-8:30am, Sun, 10/22 @ TBD

7:30-8:30am, Sun, 11/19 @ TBD

16 Weeks Straight of Training

M, 9/2 to F, 12/20 (16 on, 2 off)

Here's a great opportunity to build tremendous momentum throughout your fall, so you can perform at a high level in your life and work, be grounded & energized to capture the moments, peak for your holidays and for winter sports!

Build your life around your workouts to ensure that you're always prioritizing your health, body composition and performance.

Phase 10: 9/2 to 9/2 (4on, 0 off)

*Covid Make Up Day = Regular Schedule on Labor Day, M, 9/2!

Weekend Workout, Sun, 9/8, 7:30-8:30a @ NN Track & Turf

Phase 11: 9/30 to 10/25 (4 on, 0 off)

Weekend Workout, Sun, 9/22, 7:30-8:30a

*Bereavement Make Up Day = Regular Schedule on Indigenous People's Day, M, 10/14!

Phase 12: 10/28 to 11/22 (4 on, 0 off)

Weekend Workout, Sun, 10/20, 7:30-8:30a

*No Live Workouts on Halloween Thursday, 10/31

Week of 10/28, 6:30pm, M / T @ MC; no Th @ Virtual

*No Live Workouts on Veteran's Day, M, 11/11

**Week of 11/11, 6:30pm, T @ MC, Th @ Virtual due to Holly Harvest Fair

Phase 13: 11/19 to 12/15 (4 on, 2 off)

Weekend Workout, Sun, 11/24, 7:30-8:30a

Thanksgiving Family Workout, 8-9:30a, Th, 11/28 @ MC

*No Live Workouts on Thanksgiving & Black Friday, Th, 11/28 and F, 11/29

Nutrition Habit

Change of routines, seasons, schedules, addresses, jobs and relationship status are all great times to implement new changes into your life. Piggy back on this change as much as you can to start new habits and/or reinforce existing ones. Try to get your proteins (leans & beans) and your greens at all meals and your starches before and/or after your muscularly fatiguing workouts. Hydrate to start your day and taper as your day ends (eat dinner early. go to bed a tiny bit hungry).

And of course, pick the nutrition habit you want to practice each day, that you have a 9 out of 10 confidence you can do it at least every day, if not at 1, 2 or all meals, so you can build streaks of momentum, so you can win over the long haul and so you can get your 4 for 4's. Use this list as inspiration or practice a different habit you've been thinking about implementing and word it so you can easily do it daily.

Guest Month

All month long you're welcome to invite a guest to come train with you in person and/or online. If you know someone who might love what we do and can do what we do, you can either email introduce them and I'll take it from there or you can share the guest link with them and they can connect at their leisure.

Option 1: email introduce them

Option 2: share the guest link

Cheers, welcome back, get your 10 hours in bed tonight or tomorrow, come sprint with us tomorrow if you're here and of course, ...

Make it count,


p.s. tomorrow is stretch & sprint @ Newton North, Turf & Track from 7:30-8:30am.


  • roller

  • mat

  • mini band

  • superband

  • towel for sweat

  • water

  • heart rate monitor (optional)

  • we'll get 36 minutes toward your cardio goal

p.p.s. 6:30pm, M / T are at MC! Th @ Virtual

p.p.p.s. Invite at Guest! Do you know someone who would love what we do? Invite them!

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