Hi Friend,
Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you're feeling as primed for a day to yourself as your peers are who were able to make the stretch and sprint this time. It sure is fun sharing both stories and a common interest in movement while breaking a sweat together.
Save the Date:
Sunday, April 23, 2023, is the next Weekend Workout!
Phase 3 Overview
Last phase of our 1st quarter. Remember our themes. All fast workouts to energize you and minimize soreness, focusing on health, pillar stability and spring sports performance. We're using lighter weights (suggested Total DB Load = 15-30% BW) and adding skill progressions each phase. We're intending to proactively address many common injuries and movement patterns of spring sports. The last phases of a quarter are our peaking phases. These are real fun. You'll feel real familiar with the movement patterns, so the demos will be shorter and quicker making week 1 feel more like week 3 of phase 1. We should get a lot of work in. Keep practicing your nutrition plan (and habits), hitting or exceeding your cardio goals, getting enough rest and filling up your workout card. Change can happen faster now. Use dates and events, even if made up in your head as inspiration to be your best, do what it takes to peak for the end of the phase. For example: you have 21 days left to achieve your 1st quarter goals! (Oh man! I just looked at what I have to do to hit my 1st quarter goals and got a jolt of adrenaline! Eeek!)
Feb 26 to March 17, 2023 (3 weeks)
Peaking Phase
Fast Workouts
Health, Pillar Stability & Spring Sports Ready
15-30% BW = Total DB Load
Fill your workout card
Hit or exceed your cardio goal
Practice your nutrition plan and habit
Rest as much as needed and no more
Have fun: training, moving and living your best life with others are all fun!
7 Weeks!
You have 7 weeks until April vacation (04.15.23 to 04.23.23). This is a nice chunk of time to make change happen and peak for a well earned physical break, change of pace and/or adventure.
What would you like to accomplish over these next 7 weeks?
Why is that important to you?
What needs to change to make that happen / what do you need to do to make this happen?
Is it realistic?
What will it feel like when you achieve this goal? How will you celebrate? Who will you invite? What will you wear, do?
Go for it! Life is more fun, full and well lived when you're energize by a goal and living with a purpose.
Schedule - Phase 3
6:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual
9:00am, M / W / F @ Virtual
6:30pm, M @ Virtual, T / Th @ Mackenzie
Week 1 Schedule Change
*Tomorrow, Monday, Feb 27 is @ Mackenzie due to expected snow Tuesday, Feb 28.
Tuesday, Feb 28 will be virtual.
Zoom Links
Passcode: 4for4
Warm Up and Cool Down
Always set your space up before you start the workout so you can easily flow from rolling to stretching with a band or from stretches to needing your roller for side-lying windmills or windmills to towel curls or towel curls to front foot on a roller 1-leg bridges or 2-DB's on your hips with a roller between your knees or light DB's for external rotations, etc...