Phase 9 Overview This is our 3rd phase of the quarter. It's our last intensity phase before Phase 10's Peaking phase. Intensity in this case means the suggested weights and skill levels increase and the reps decrease.
Suggested Total DB Load = 30-50% Bodyweight *Try to use 3-5 lbs. more per hand. Choose the weights based on the suggested reps. Progressive Overload +1/wk or +2/wk = increasing reps by 1 if it's a Left /Right exercise or by 2 if it's a 2-arm or 2-leg exercise Holds ("H") on the last rep of the 1st set for most every strength exercise (D1, D2, E1 & E2), you're encouraged to hold the rep in the most challenging position for either 5 or 10seconds (5 for Left / Right exercise; 10 for 2-arm or 2-leg exercise) Pluses ("+"). On the last set, you're encouraged to do as many reps as possible (AMRAP) with the chosen weight. If your workout card suggests 5+, try to get your 5 reps and then see how many additional reps you can get.
DB Complex = 3 reps / exercise and 5 seconds / rep Chin Up, Push Ups and Pike Push Up / Hands Stands your encouraged to get 4 sets in your 60min workout. The 4 sets helps to ensure you'll progress on movements that are more challenging for many.
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Why an Intensity Phase? We need to overload your body, so you can get stronger, build muscle and develop more power. This is important to help you improve your health (metabolism, bone density, skeletal muscle, movement quality, strength), body composition and athletic performance (sports and activities of daily living). It's also important for our Q3 goals of beach season #2, summer sports and peaking for fall sports, fall races and fall photos.
Always listen to your body. If it doesn't want to train hard or lift heavy, then don't. Lift fast, stretch, move and give your body what it does need. Lifting weights and getting stronger is supposed to be fun.
Make it count. Next phase is a peaking phase and it'll be more dramatic if you can continue to get better this phase. Use the light and fast days to recover, put yourself to bed early so you have enough energy to train, take a nap if you can, choose food and drinks that make you feel good and give you energy to train while participating less in consumption that makes you feel bad, tired and de-motivates you. Stretch, walk, get loose, do what you need to do, so you can show up and have fun training.
Phase 9 Warm Ups & Cool Downs As the quarter progresses we add layers on top of the movements you learned. You're encouraged and expected to take the same time as before maybe even less to do the new progressed movements while continuing to practice your technique. Warm ups transition us from whatever we did before (sleep, work, sitting on our butts, parenting) to what we're going to do next, while we have fun listening to music, checking in with our training buddies and coach and get focused on what you want to do today in your workout.
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P9, Workout A - Extra MB's are always fun, but a lateral bounce to prime a front twist? Interesting! Towel Low Plank Rollouts: Hello Anterior Core! Continuous Hurdle Hops. Finally! Mini Band Facing Wall Slides = let the challenge begin. DB Complex = increased weights, 3 reps and 5 seconds / rep. Bring it! Chin Ups = A great opportunity to get stronger in vertical pulling. 5 Reps on 1-Leg Bench Hip Thrust = Heavier Weights and stronger hips + glutes Hand Stand Progressions = Exciting & Challenging Progressions for those ready. Push Up / Pike Push Up / Feet Elevated Pike Push Up = More Practice, Strength & Muscle Building if you're here. 1-Leg Squats to a MB are basically Pistol Squats. These are tough. Triathlon Relay = week 1: half court; week 2: 3/4 court; week 3: full court Base Running is back. It always feels good to do short sprints w/ turns. Bent Knee Calf Raises. Keep trying to progress if you have momentum.
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Phase 9, Workout B - Extra MB's you get to step and generate some additional momentum, like a soccer throw. Hollows test your local muscle endurance by making you longer. 2-Leg Jumps are now continuous. Practice being bouncy & springy. Walk Walks add a press up at the bottom. Use the leverage of your wrists against the wall so you don't slip. DB Complex has both increased load, 3reps/ex, 5sec/rep and forward lunges in the goblet position. TRX 1-Arm Power Pull is very fun. Think thoracic rotation w/ TRX Row. Goblet Squat = fewer reps and heavier suggested weights. Push Up to Downward Dog is now 3:1, meaning 3 push ups for every 1 downward dog. This is progressive overload for strength & muscle development. Nordic Negatives now have a plyo push up to help you return to the starting position after you control your lowering to the bottom position. Straight Leg Calf Raises. Keep practicing and when you have momentum, PROGRESS!
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P9, Workout A - Virtual Rock Backs lengthen your lever arm by moving your hands behind your head from across your chest. Towel Rollouts instead of Towel Flys. Anyone with SB's, Ab Wheels or Mini Sideboards here's an opportunity to substitute them in. Alt. Split Squat Jumps w/ a Double Bounce. Same as last phase, but we'll alternate your front leg. Fun and Athletic! Mini Band Facing Wall Slides. You've practiced the technical nuances, now let's add resistance to it. These are for healthy shoulders and posture with throwing and overhead activities. The DB Complex adds a high Knee on the SLDL's, plus the suggested DB Load increases to 30-50% BW, while the reps decrease to 3 and time per rep increases to 5sec. Strength Circuit D1 & D2 and E1 & E2, introduce "H" (Holds) and "+" (Pluses) on the 1st set and last set respectively to progressively overload you. Pullovers increases in weight as the reps drop to 5. 1-Leg Bench Hip Thrusts decreases to 5 reps / leg Hand Stand Push Ups is the new kid on the block. You can do walk ups, holds, negatives and/or reps. If not keep practicing Push Ups, Pike Push Ups or Feet Elevated Pike Push Ups 1-Leg Squat to a MB is basically a Pistol Squat. If you're not ready Squat on the Bench or to the Bench Finishers: there are subtle progressions in each. Core = low plank and DB additions. Leg = Hands Overhead (HOH) Upper Body = 12 reps suggested, plus an exercise order change w/ push ups near the bottom to give more rest after the E1 & E2 strength circuit. Bent Knee Calf Raises. Keep trying to progress if you have momentum.
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P9, Workout B - Virtual Halo's are now on 1-leg. Hollows are longer as you'll be arms in line with ears. Squat Jumps are continuous. Wall Walks add a Press Up at the bottom. Use the leverage of your wrists against the wall to help you press without sliding. DB Complex has suggested DB Load of 30-50% BW, 3rep/ex and 5sec/rep Lunges have DB's in goblet position, go forward and encourage a high knee on the step back. Strength circuits #1 and #2 (D1/D2) and (E1/E2) respectively introduce Holds or "H's" on the 1st set for 5 or 10seconds for 1-arm/leg or 2-arm/legs respectively and pluses or "+" on the last set which mean do your suggested reps and then try to get as many additional reps as you can. DB rows drop from 8 reps to 5 reps, so choose the heaviest weight you can lift 5 times. Goblet Squat reps drop from 6 to 5, so choose the heaviest weight you can lift 5 times. 3:1 Push Ups to Downward Dogs = 3 push ups for every 1 downward dog. You will get stronger and build more muscle here while programing shoulder health, range of motion and thoracic spine and hip mobility. 2-Leg Bench Hip Thrusts see the reps come down from 8 to 6, which means try to pick the heaviest weights you can lift 6 times. Finishers are the same as workout A. Straight Leg Calf Raises. Keep practicing and when you have momentum, PROGRESS!
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Nutrition Habits. You work hard!
Make things easier for yourself by complimenting your goals and efforts with small habits you can practice daily that help you be more awesome and give you more energy and confidence to perform better in your training so you can have more fun in your life.
Which habit is the right habit to practice for this phase? Are you going to practice it daily, @ 2meals / day, 3meals / day or @ all meals? | |
Phase 9 Links Zoom Link Recordings extras pdf virtual pdf 45min stretch stretch & sprint stretch recordings
Upcoming Calendar P9, 8/7 to 8/25 week 3 schedule (8/21 to 8/25) 6am, M / W / Th @ Virtual 9am, M / W / Th @ Virtual 6:30pm, M @ Virtual; 6:30pm, T / Th @ Mackenzie *I'm attending a Friday through Sunday conference to keep getting better.
Empowerment Week: 8/26 to 9/4 No Training on Labor Day Monday, 9/4/23 P10, P11, P12 & P13 = 15 Weeks Straight of Training P10, 9/4 to 9/22 (3on, 0 off) Weekend Workout, Sun, 9/24
Cardio Minutes & Strength Workouts - Empowerment Week Minutes are due for week 3 and empowerment week. Total # of strength workouts are due for last week. Please reply in class or to this email
Guest Week Do you ever ask your friends what they do for training? Do you ask them if they can do 1-leg squats or Pike Push Ups, DB Cleans or DB Snatches? Do they roll, stretch, sprint, jump/hop, lift, do core work, do cardio? Do they track what they do? How often do they change up their routine? Do they do calf training for injury risk reduction, strength, performance and aesthetics?
If you friends get curious, invite them to come train with you. You can email introduce them to me or send them this link to get started. The 1st two weeks of every phase are guest weeks and the month of September is guest month. If you think they can do what we do and their personality is a good match, invite them.
Make it count,
p.s. what'd you get for cardio minutes in w3, ew and total # of strength workouts last week?
p.p.s. here are the P9 links:
Phase 9 Links Zoom Link Recordings extras pdf virtual pdf 45min stretch stretch & sprint stretch recordings
p.p.p.s. here are some more fun Montana photos! | | | | |