Subject: 2023, P1 Overview

Hi Friend,

We're back and it's time to get ready for another great year!

Phase 1 - January 2 - January 27, 2023

  • 4 weeks on, 0 weeks off

  • Total DB Load = 15-30% Bodyweight

  • Q1 Theme = Weight Loss, Pillar Stability & Spring Sports

  • P1 Theme = Fast

The workouts are hopefully going to meet you where you are. If you haven't strength trained in a while, if you're stiff from travel, recreation or lack of exercise, I've considered it, and we're going to go slow in skill and weights, while we recondition your body and help you to get in shape. The pace will be fast to energize you. It's o.k. if you can't keep up all the time. You'll feel real proud and successful at the end of the workout because of what you did accomplish and anything you didn't or weren't able to keep up with, will serve as motivation to try and do a little better the next time.

If you have been active and/or have strength trained, it's always helpful to revisit the fundamentals. The encouraging part for you, is as you go through the exercises, you'll check boxes. O.k. I can do that or that's easy. Great. Check that box. Move up weight or up in skill level. Whoa boy. That's more challenging. Perfect. That's what you want. Whether you're showing up in shape or out of shape, the program will hopefully match where you are and if it doesn't that's where having me as your coach helps, because I can help tailor it even more specifically.

The workouts as noted by the theme for P1, are fast. They'll be energizing. They'll hopefully make your body feel good, they'll help to rehab & strengthen weak areas and stretch out tight areas. You should sweat, breath hard and feel great. Initially you'll be a little sore if you haven't done much, but your body should adapt pretty quick (a couple of weeks if you're out of shape and a couple of workouts if you are). It shouldn't be too taxing. I don't foreshadow needing naps to recover unless you're under-rested.

You're going to want to piggyback on these workouts by throwing the kitchen sink at changing. It's a really great opportunity to get the ball rolling and make progress. Put your head down and go. Get out and walk / run. Get on a bike / erg / treadmill, get in the pool & swim, dance to your favorite tunes, just get moving. Skip rope, run through an agility ladder, do mobility circuits, use a low step and get your cardio minutes in. If you train M / W / F, do your cardio T / Th / Sa. If you train M / T / Th, do your cardio W / F / Sa.

Change makers just go! Double up. If you train in the morning, can you do your cardio right after, mid-morning, at lunch, in the afternoon, before or after dinner? If you train in the evening, can you do your cardio first thing in the morning, mid morning, at lunch or in the afternoon before boot camp?

Do family walks. Make cardio a part of your weekend routine. Just do it! Don't think. Just walk or run or ... something.

And STRETCH! Either do yoga or stretch. It makes you feel good every time. The discomfort some of you feel in the moment or the boredom you feel by the lack of action is the wrong focus. The right focus is your practicing meditation, your building up skills to hold your body still. High performers know how to ramp up AND ramp down. You'll feel AMAZING afterwards.

Work + Rest = Success!

The strength training makes you feel strong. The CYBBC workouts make you more athletic, but sometimes you / we get into a period where you're / we're always feeling stiff, slow, tired, ... you've gotta work the rest part, to reveal the awesomeness underneath. The people that come to the stretch & sprint experience it. They show up tired, stiff, sore and we address it. Then we sprint. Then they leave loose and energized. Stretch or do yoga! Once a week minimum. If you're more sore, stiff & tight than others, then you may need 2x/wk. Deal with it. It's the price to pay to feel and be your best self. If it was easy, everybody would do it. It's not. You have to decide to show up and do it. But YOU ARE THE PERSON WHO SHOWS UP AND DOES IT, so have your pity party while you adapt to the reality of what it takes and then go do it!

And speaking of doing it. You know what you need to do regarding food to feel, look and be your best self. You can have all the fun foods and eat all the foods that are best for you. You can't do the fun foods all the time because it's not going to make you feel good or be that healthy or perform at your best or look the way you want, but you can have them weekly, sometimes daily and for the few, high metabolizers or high activity people, maybe even more than 1 meal per day is possible.

Most of the time though you're eating to make sure you're well nourished and have enough energy to meet the demands of the day. Mine as well choose some foods that are going to promote health, body transformation and performance too as they'll compliment all of the other efforts your making.

Weekly Schedule


Week 1 - ABA

Week 2 - BAB

Week 3 - AB

Week 4 - ABA


Week 1 - BAB

Week 2 - ABA

Week 3 - BA

Week 4 - BAB

Warm Up & Cool Down

Workout A - Extra

Workout A - Virtual

Workout B - Extra

Workout B - Virtual

Zoom Link

I was asked if we could have 1 zoom link for all class times. Here you go. I was also asked if I could not use a passcode. Many members preferred and recommended using a passcode, so it stays. I have added this zoom link to the website, and google calendar, so if you ever miss place it or can't find the email you can go to the website and/or sync the boot camp calendar with your calendar.

6:00am, M / W / F

9:00am, M / W / F

6:30pm, M

Meeting ID: 895 1962 9800

Password: 4for4

Phase 1, Zoom Folder

Phase 1 Recordings

workout card-extra

workout card-virtual

stretch routine @ home

stretch routine - in person

Stretch Recordings

Guest Days

Friends don't let friends workout alone!

It's easier to change family trees if both heads of household are making change happen!

It's more fun, when your people can do what you do!

If you know someone who's looking for what we offer, can do what we do and would be a good fit for us, invite them to come train with you. I'll treat them like as the Very Important Guest that they are.

2 Ways to Invite!

  1. email introduction

  2. share this link:

Weekend Workouts

The weekend workouts replaced private measurements during the pandemic. The people who regularly attend always tell me they enjoy the experience.

We're going to try something different this time. I've scheduled them to precede each new phase on a Sunday, vs. at the end of a phase on a Saturday. This way, you can (1) peace out and travel at the end of a phase like the schedule was designed to be done and (2) since many people come back early from travel, you can come back early, break the inertia and get your body feeling right with some in person self-care prior to the start of the phase.

Also, a theme for 2023 is to get fast! So, I'll use these Sunday workouts to help you get loose and stretched out and to get fast. We may even have to go on field trips to different locations and maybe even have to sign up for something. TBD...

Cardio Minutes & Strength Workouts - EW1 & EW2

What'd you do for cardio minutes and strength workouts the last 2 weeks?

12/19 to 12/25: ____minutes; __strength

12/26 to 1/1: ____minutes; __strength

Ready to make it count,

Coach Mike

p.s. what'd you do for cardio minutes and strength workouts the last 2 weeks?

p.p.s. who do you know that would love boot camp? email introduce or invite them.

p.p.p.s. This is the zoom link for all class times. Please save it!

Meeting ID: 895 1962 9800

Password: 4for4

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