Subject: 2021, Phase 3 Overview

Hi Friend!

Happy last week of February to you (that went fast). I guess it's a perfect compliment to our 1st Quarter. Fast. And here we are. Phase 3. The last phase of the quarter, a 4 week phase, bringing us right up to the start of spring.

Phase 4 (4on, 0 off)

Feb 22 to Mar 20, 2021

Theme: Fast

Q1 Theme: Health, Body Composition, Postural Stability, Spring Sports

DB Load: 15-30%BW = Total DB Load

Guest Weeks: 2/22 to 3/5

P3, Zoom Folder

P3, Workout Card - Extra (pdf)

P3, Workout Card - Virtual (pdf)

P3 Training Schedule


6:00am, M / W / F

9:00am, M / W / F

6:30pm, M / T / Th

All classes are virtual, except, 6:30pm, Tuesdays, which are @ Mackenzie Center.

Covid Note: Right now in MA, we are permitted to be at 40% capacity in the gym, which equals 9.6 people for us, excluding me. We have 5 members who committed to every Tuesday night (Paula, Liz, Emily S, Amita & Lucy), during the pandemic, and there's room if you want to join us. Every Tuesday afternoon, I send out the symptoms survey with the protocol reminders for training in person. You'll need to submit the completed survey by 6pm and follow the protocols when training.


Weeks 1-3 are regular training schedules, M / T / W / Th / F (see above).

Week 4: is a regular schedule on M / T / F (see above) and no classes W / Th for (2) Personal Days.

P3 Workout Schedule

The A's & B's below represent Workout A & Workout B.

P3 Workouts

This is our peaking phase. We're keeping the weights light for those looking to get faster and those looking to focus on body composition changes (getting leaner and seeing the scale go down).

We'll challenge everyone with increased skill progressions. Some things like the 4point stability will feel very simple even with the subtle progressions. Take the early win and appreciate how good your body feels. Straight leg side planks get reintroduced next phase as we say goodbye to the 4 point stability.

The Hops & Jumps (lower body plyometrics) paired with the high plank hand fires (stability) is going to be exhilarating and help to really develop your power endurance, local muscle endurance and stamina. There will be a nice long 2min rest afterwards for you to watch the DB Olympic Lift demonstration (snatch and cleans) or start your beach finisher.

The DB Olympic Lifts this phase progress to Hang Speed Snatch and Hang Power Cleans. These are very athletic, full body, powerful moves that carry over directly to sports performance and develop intangible benefits like durability, work capacity and physique changes in the best way.

The strength training will remain a 4 exercise circuit (I think this is the last phase until the last quarter of the year in which we do circuits, but I'm not certain). You'll have linear days which are more forward & backward horizontal movements and then you'll have a lateral day, which is more of a side-to-side | rotational and vertical movements day.

Some movements will emphasize mobility, some strength, some skill, almost all address speed strength, though some strength speed (push ups, pull ups, inverted rows). These too will feature progressions, that will challenge your balance & coordination, while practicing similar movements as the past 2 phases.

The tempo remains the same. 20:20. 20 seconds of work as fast as you can safely move and 20seconds to stand up with arms up and then set up for the next exercise.

The 4min, at home themed conditioning finisher (lunge | opposites, sprinter start | carioca & steal turns | IR grounders) remains. Some wanted more minutes, most wanted 4min. Some wanted beach finishers. Most wanted cardio. Some wanted more stretching, most wanted cardio. Some wanted different cardio, most wanted to stay with our theme. Some wanted intervals. Most wanted to stay with the density circuits.

What we're currently doing is working and with your feedback, my observations and being creative with the programming, we'll continue to develop safe, fun, purposeful and results yielding workouts.

The static stretch will continue as is, so we can not think, while holding still, lengthening common tight spots and taking a moment to be reflective, meditative & mindful before returning to your day.

P3, Warm Ups & Cool Downs

P3, Workout A - Extra

P3, Workout B - Extra

P3, Workout A - Virtual

P3, Workout B - Virtual

Cardio Minutes

23min/workout - Virtual & Gym

I'll be asking for week 3 & empowerment week (EW) cardio minutes and how many strength workouts you did during EW.


W3: 250m

EW: 250m


See you soon,

Coach Mike

p.s. here's the P3, Zoom Folder with the workout card pdf's.

p.p.s. guest weeks are the next 2. know someone? email introduce or share this link.

p.p.p.s. reply now w/ cardio minutes (23/workout) and # of EW strength workouts.

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