Subject: 2017, Week 1 Cardio Minutes!

Hi Friend!

Great Friday to you!  I'm chilling at the Chestnut Hill Mall while my iPhone 6s gets serviced.  Did you know they had a recall on batteries?  If you have the same phone and it randomly crashes while there's still juice, they'll fix it for free.  The part I didn't check in advance is that it takes 3 hours.  Wish me luck not going home with things I wasn't planning to get.  

Phase 1, Week 1
Welcome back.  What a great jump start to the phase.  I hope you're feeling night and day better than when the week started / before training with us.  My goal for you is to help you get your body weight to ideal asap, have you feeling high energy and having your body feel healthy, solid and strong.  We should enter phase 2, ready to ramp up the intensity and get ready for beach season and summer sports.  I imagine you've heard this over and over by now, so the next time you have to shovel or get to ice skate, play basketball, ice hockey, ski, snowboard, cross country ski, etc...take a moment to recognize how strong and capable your body is; how you have stamina to go all day and have the recovery ability to do it again, the next day.  That's what we're aiming to have your body feel like come spring, spring sports and spring clothes.  READY!

Cardio Minutes - Week 1
Time          Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am      25                17                22               64
9:00am      25                19                22               66
6:30pm      25                22                22               69
Resolution season is a great opportunity to start fresh.  Piggyback on the season, take baby steps, pick yourself up when you fall down and make mistakes and let go of the guilt.  Then lean on me, your team and your program and let's do this together.  Plus watch out for and stay away from the negative people making fun of those who set goals and up their effort to change.  Or better yet, use it as fuel to motivate you.  "F you...F them, I'll show you".  You better believe Tom Brady is using negative criticism to provide fuel for his fire and so should you.  And maybe get special "sleep ware" to help you recover and eat Avocado Ice Cream so you can be fancy too.

MLK Day is a Regular Schedule 
Monday, January 16
6:00am, M / W / F @ BG
9:00am, M / W / F @ MC
6:30pm, M / T / Th @ MC
If you're traveling, come back early to train Monday night.  You'll be glad you did as it's the best of both worlds.  Long weekend and got your Monday workout in!

Your coach,

Mike Alves
Burn & Earn!

p.s.  minutes are due Monday!
Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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