Subject: 2017, P1, W2 Cardio Minutes & Patriots Plan!

Hi Friend!

The momentum is building.  Q1 is going to be a big foundational quarter for you.  Your joints should feel great at the end of it.  Not even noticeable discomfort, just pleasurable solidness and stability.  You should feel, fit, stronger and fast.  Happy moods, energized and if you do your part in the kitchen, at the table and practicing your nutrition habits daily, you should finish lighter & leaner.  Keep going.  Keep practicing your personal routines and keep things simple.  Sleep, eat, exercise.  Make it all fun!

Cardio Minutes - Week 1
Time          Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am      22                22                21               65
9:00am      22                22                22               66
6:30pm      22                22                22               66
Here's your minutes.  We should be b/w 60-66 for next week as well.  Minutes are due Monday.

Patriots Plan 
8:30p-12:30a, Sun, January 22,
Pittsburgh Steelers (Vanessa's team) vs. New England Patriots (My Team)
I want you to think about the cost of watching this game, regardless of the outcome.  It's on late, Sunday night.  If you choose to watch it, you could end up staying up past your bedtime.  This could lead to reduced sleep, drive, mood, energy, etc... the next couple of days (i.e. reduced performance).  It may lead to poor choices, decisions and habits.  It may take a couple days, maybe even the whole week to recover.  If you can't recover by next weekend, it may create a pattern of low performance until you can reset your homeostasis.  This may be a bit embellished, yet it may not be far from the truth.

Work Hard + Play Hard = Burn Out

Work Hard + Rest Hard = Success

There are 3 things I'd like you to consider planning for if you're going to watch the game.

1.  Sleep
2.  Nutrition
3.  Exercise

1.  Sleep:  If you stay up 4 hours past your bedtime, then you've gotta make up 4 hours of sleep either on the front end or back end.  The back end might be hard if you have a lot of layers of responsibility because there might not be any margins or windows to borrow from or catch up in.  Totally possible though if you do what you'd do if you were sick and just say F' it! and shut yourself down until you recover.

My suggestion:

Fri:  Go to bed 30min early tonight and sleep in 30min late on Sat.
Sat:  Go to bed 30min early Sat night and sleep in 30min late on Sun.
Sat:  Take 30min nap, but no longer.*
Sun:  Take 1.5 - 2hr afternoon "sleep".  This will cause you to hit the math goal for sleep needed to make up for your anticipated loss and it'll cause you to not be able to fall asleep right away, so you'll better be able to watch the game.

2.  Nutrition:  Plan your splurge meal for tonight, Sat or Sun, but don't splurge during the game.  It's too late in the evening and too hard to work off and recover from.  You'll end up feeling even worse Monday morning b/c of the lack of sleep and lack of time to recover from the splurge meal.  I recommend either splurging at one of the time points mentioned earlier for dinner that evening at the latest.  Then drink water or it's non-caloric derivatives during the game.

3.  Exercise:  Do whatever you have to do to hit your cardio goal b/w now and Monday.  Get a strength workout (see attached) if you're up for it or need to do a make up.  Stretch during the commercials, as they'll most likely be 3min long.  That's a good 2 stretches or 1 stretch for both the right and left side.  Practice your breathing.  Do up to 10 sets x (3sec inhale, 6sec exhale) / side.  That's 90sec / side.  You'll feel amazing.

Good luck.  Keep going.  Go Pats!

Your coach,

Mike Alves
Burn & Earn!

p.s.  minutes are due Monday!

p.p.s.  see attached for the warm up and workouts if you need them.

p.p.p.s.  see attached for the nutrition habits if needed
Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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