Subject: 2016 Fast Action Bonuses: Please schedule these on your calendar.

Great day to you, Friend!

Today I rocked out Workout B and I've been flying fast ever since.  My energy feels great and my mind grounded.  I sure love Q4's programming and I hope you do too!

Speaking of the programming, a couple of reminders.

1.  This is a strength phase.  The goal is to get stronger.  In order to get stronger this phase, you have to use more weight and/or do higher levels than last phase.  If you use the same weight, you won't get stronger, you'll most likely get weaker, however it's still possible you can get better even with the same weights as last phase.  Train as fast and controlled as you can and get as many reps as possible in the time we have.  If we use the following examples you'll see why.

Coach Mike weighs roughly 180lbs.  
Phase 10, DB Load = 25-45%BW (45 to 81 lbs)
Phase 11, DB Load = 35-55%BW (63 to 99 lbs)

E.G. #1:  Volume Moved on DB Bench Press or DB SLDL Using 35-55%BW
Phase 10:  L3 x 40" x 2 x 12 = 80lbs x 2 x 12 = 1920 lbs moved
Phase 11:  L3 x 50" x 4 x 6 = 100 lbs x 4 x 6 = 2400 lbs moved (increase of 480 lbs)
*This means I got stronger!

480 lbs difference x # workouts I do 4 sets of 6 reps compared to the # of workouts I did 2 sets of 12 last phase = a lot stronger and greater muscle density, shape, tone, and awesomeness.  

There are 12 workouts per workout card.  You achieve more volume per workout compared to last phase, you get stronger.

E.G. #2:  Volume moved on DB Bench Press or DB SLDL, Using 25-45%BW
Phase 10: L3 x 40" x 2 x 12 = 80lbs x 2 x 12 = 1920 lbs moved
Phase 11: L3 x 40" x 4 x 6 = 80lbs x 4 x 6 = 1920 lbs moved (no change)


last phase we used a 311 tempo, and stopped you at 12 reps.

if you go as fast and controlled as you can in 20sec, you could get more than 6 reps at least on the DB Bench Press and Hockey Split Squat.

Phase 11:  L3 x 40" x 4 x 7 = 80 x 4 x 7 = 2240 lbs moved (increase of 320 lbs)
Phase 11:  L3 x 40" x 4 x 9 = 80 x 4 x 8 = 2560 lbs moved (increase of 1920 lbs)
*so you can still get stronger, if you move the weights fast & controlled and get at least 7 reps instead of 6 in 20 seconds, if we use the strength exercises as examples.  

2.  Squat Pulls, Pike Pulls, Chin Up Holds and Neutral Grip Pull Ups
If you did squat pulls last phase, you gotta do pike pulls this phase.  If you did pike pulls last phase, try chin up holds.  If you can't do chin up holds, but pike pulls are too easy, try feet elevated inverted rows or straight leg inverted rows.  If you did chin ups last phase, do neutral grip pull ups this phase.  If you feel totally gassed doing neutral grip pull ups, that's normal b/c you're doing DB SLDL's before them where as last phase you did 1-Leg Hockey Squats, so your grip is tired.

Squat Pulls < Pike Pulls < Chin Up Holds < Neutral Grip Pull Ups


Squat Pulls < Pike Pulls < Straight Leg Inverted Rows < Feet Elevated Inverted Rows < Chin Up Holds < Neutral Grip Pull Ups

*you don't have to be able to hold for the full 20sec.  If you feel like you can do 9, Pike Pulls, then it's too easy and you need to move up.  If you can do 1 Pull Up, stay there and do cluster reps.  

3.  Keep practicing content vs. full.  
You want to eat until you're content, not full.  Full means your belly is full, your pants feel snug, you get tired, lethargic.  Do this every meal, you're stomach and weight grow.  Eat until you're content and not full, you're no longer hungry.  You're stomach doesn't feel full or stretched out.  Do this meal after meal, you're stomach starts to shrink and over time, ab definition begins to appear.  Anecdotally I feel belly metabolism when I practice this.  If you eat because you're stomach is hungry, that's good mindfulness.  Stop when you're content.  If you eat because you're mouth is hungry, that means you're eating because you're stressed, tired, coping, anything, but stomach hungry.  Be aware of this.  This would fall into the fullness category.  If you practice contentment you get a check or a yes on your card.  If you eat until you're full or when you're mouth hungry, record an X or a no.  This is a Jedi skill you can take with you anywhere.  It is extremely valuable!

Blue Hills Hike
8-10am, Sat, Nov 5
Blue Hills Reservation Headquarters, 
695 Hillside Street, 
Milton, MA 02186
meet for 7:45a @ Ranger Station
wear hiking boots or cross trainers and dress for weather (layers)
Free, $35 or Testimonial (Review)

Option 1:  Free for 2016 FAB#1&2 Winners!
Stephanie, CK, Pete, Madeline, Julie L, Helen, Marisa, Anne Marie, Jenn C, Karna, Bill, Julie T, Chris C, Melinda, Dana, Amy L, Marc S, Jenn M, Lisa L, Ceci D, Quyen and Alicia.


Option 2:  $35 or Testimonial (Review)
If you're name isn't listed above, you can still participate.  
Bring $35 in cash or a check made out to Change Your Body Boot Camps.
Email me an awesome written and/or video Testimonial or give a 5 Star Review (FB, Yelp-BG, Yelp-MC, Google+-BG, Google+MC, or LinkedIn)

Your coach,

Mike Alves

p.p.s.  if you're not a 2016 FAB #1or2 winner, RSVP and then reply with a testimonial or share one on FB, Yelp-BG, Yelp-MC, Google+BG, Google+MC or LinkedIn now!

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.