Subject: 2014, P13, Week 3 Cardio Minutes, Empowerment Week Plan & Challenge Workouts

Friend, do you want to join me in pledging to prepare for Year End Holidays beginning the day after Halloween?  That's a stress reducing 2015 goal right there!.  Think about it.  You prepare for YE Holidays on Nov 1st; mail holiday cards on black Friday and be done with everything by Dec 1st.  Wouldn't that be awesome?  :-)

Since we're being proactive, let's continue.  Please report your week 3 cardio minutes now!.  Included in this email is your empowerment week plan and challenge workouts.  Remember your minutes can be done in any increment both big, small and medium sized chunks.  Challenge workouts are short.  Do them 1st thing in the morning or when you anticipate a break.  You can double up like Helen did on Friday with 2 workouts and reap the rewards of super high energy or you can stick to 1 workout per day.  In any event.  Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Holidays and Burn & Earn!

Cardio Minutes-Week 3
Time         Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am     17                17                21                55
9:00am     17                17                21                55
6:30pm     17                17                21                55
Empowerment Week Cardio Plan: click here to view. 

Empowerment Week Plan
Read the empowerment week plan so you can refresh yourself with how many minutes of cardio your supposed to do and how many strength workouts you should do based on your schedule and how you feel.

Challenge Workouts
PDF: Challenge Workouts

Challenge Workout #4
Challenge Workout #5
Challenge Workout #6

How to download the videos from YouTube to watch later?

Cheers and wishing you health, hottness and high pulls,


p.s.  please report your wk3 cardio minutes now!

p.p.s.  here's your empowerment week plan.

p.p.p.s.  here's your challenge workout pdf, and video links for CW#4, CW#5 and CW#6.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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