Hi Friend,
Good evening and Happy Sunday (or Monday) to you!
Tomorrow I'm going to shoot the first live zoom workouts from our new casa (The Alves Compound East - Devens). It'll be in our basement where I'll be building my home gym (eventually). It is an unfinished basement. It is not polished like the Coyne's home gym. It is awesome though as it has high ceilings for snatches and great lighting with minimalist equipment like you, and space to do short sprints & plyometrics and wall space to eventually throw medicine balls and an LVL beam I can hang a heavy bag, speed bag and TRX from, plus you may get the occasional guest appearances, demonstrations, coaching, stories and a workout buddy in Vivi.
Vanessa wants to still workout upstairs, but I think she's bananas because she could jump and run and be aggressive in the basement, but whatever helps her be successful and show up, I'll support.
Pete and I tested out zoom tonight and I've ordered the camera the Coyne's had as the one I used in Dorchester isn't as good as theirs. The sound was o.k. There was a bit of an echo. I'm supposed to meet Tuesday with my college contact who's got a video production company, and he's got some gear for me to test, so if that works, I might have new sound for Wed. If not, I'll keep working on it.
As far as returning to the gym. The last survey I did in Sept, if you remember Newton implemented a mask mandate a couple of days before I sent the survey. The majority of the 6:30pm still wanted to train in person, even though it wasn't their favorite to wear a mask. The 6am and 9am, had a majority of people who didn't want to wear a mask and still weren't ready to come back to the gym. My plan is to revisit returning to the gym, once we learn more about the Newton mask mandate, which I believe they revisit on 1/4/22. Until then we'll stay virtual for all morning workouts (both 6am & 9am on M / W / F) and the 6:30pm on Mondays.
Now. You know I love what I do, and I'm grateful to get to be your coach and have your business, so I need your help with the at home training. Shoot straight and tell me if it sucks and what specifically sucks if you don't like it or if any of it makes you less interested in training with us. You know I'm responsive. And you also know that this situation is a little bit complicated, so some feedback I might not be able to address instantly but rather over time, but it's still important to know how you feel because you are the customer and the end user and I value you and want to keep you loving your experience and time with us. So tell me. I can handle the truth (wink). :-)
Cheers and see you soon.
Coach Mike
p.s. we did 26min / workout last week.
p.p.s. these next 2 weeks are both record weeks and are the last 2 weeks of our training year. They'll be followed by a 2 week year end break (no live coaching) and then we return to live training on 1/3/22.