Subject: 1-Day Delay! We'll do P6, Workout A on Monday!

Late evening / early morning to you, Friend!

Tomorrow, Monday, June 10, we'll do workout A of Q2's, Phase 6. It'll be A#5 in the a.m. (strong) and it'll be A#6 at the 6:30pm, virtual workout (light & fast).

It's been really difficult for me coming back from my dad's passing and right back into a full schedule of responsibilities. I've struggled to manage recovering from a disrupted sleep & life schedule, working through sadness and playing catch up on hitting pause on so many things.

I am on the mend. I'm more happy than sad. I'm slowly getting closer to my normal sleep time and sleep routine. I finished 75 Hard on Friday (it only took me 190 days). And I'm checking off the list of past due to do's.

The make ups from the time I missed have started and will continue into July. You'll get a great workout tomorrow and feel awesome in your day and going into Tuesday. Tuesday, we'll start Q3 and I'll aim to have the Q3 Overview in your inbox by 4pm.

I'll do better. Thank you for your flexibility and kindness.


p.s. In full transparency I will be watching the Celtics game in my pjs and after the stretch & sprint this morning, I went to a high school graduation in Longmeadow, MA.

p.p.s. what'd you get for cardio minutes? We did 23min / workout and 36min at the stretch & sprint this morning. please reply now with your minutes!

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