Subject: Top 3 lies that are killing your success (must read)...

Warning: Real talk ahead…

Society, the media, heck… even our own families have filled our heads with downright dirty lies about money and success, that ultimately works against us and steals our dreams… (how dare they!!)

For example...

1. “I’d rather be happy than rich”


Now, I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be happy AND rich! Whoever said that these things were mutually exclusive anyway?

2. “Money can’t buy happiness”

Really?!? Say that to anyone buying their dream car… or dream home.

While I get that this is about some deep, “true” happiness… the simple fact is that money CAN buy lots of things that make us happy.

Now, i do understand that happiness comes from within, so don't read into that too deep, but try paying your mortgage in smiles and family photos if you want to test that theory.

3. “Money is evil”

No, it’s not.

Money doesn’t have a mind, thoughts or moral standards. The real fact of the matter is that money just makes people more of who they already are.

Give some jerk a million bucks and he’ll still spit on his waitress at his next meal.

Give a kind soul a million dollars and they’ll make the world a better place! You get my point.

There’s so much BS about money, wealth, and success.

Lastly, here’s my favorite…

4. “Making money is hard”.


Tell that to my friends who are making money during their afternoon naps! Don’t fall victim to these lies my friend. There’s nothing wrong with having more!

And if you’re serious about “more” -- more happiness, more time, more fun, and… yes… more moolah too…

...then start paying attention to this community!  We're here to help you!!

Check out this video on how to handle negative people...

Or this one, on how to overcome self sabotage! They're both great!

Just trying to spread the truth.

To your success,


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