Subject: Pathways March 2022🌱

Hi Friend

Here we are, finding ourselves in the changing of seasons once again. This is my favorite time of year when the change yields more sunshine, brighter skies and warmer air. There’s a sense that we have more time in the day, thus we can accomplish more. This time of year is inspiring! 

Take advantage of the extra minutes! Take time each week to zone in on something that you can accomplish with more daylight. Maybe it’s a quick walk after dinner, maybe you can start to plant your Spring garden, maybe you can spend an extra ten minutes in mediation or a quiet place. 

As always, the years continue to move by quickly. I encourage you to use this changing season as motivation to start something new!  A new book, a new journal, a new hobby, a new cooking/eating habit. 



Go Giver Leader by Bob Berg

This is a fun quick easy book and is a great read whether you are leading yourself, family, business or your health you will gain great tips!


Chaga Mushroom is one of the key ingredients on our flagship product CALIBR8. Prized by various cultures for its healthful properties, it is rich in nutrients: SOD, B vitamins, flavonoids, phenols, minerals, enzymes, and pantothenic acid.

Known as an adaptogen, Chaga Mushrooms enhance the body’s natural response to physical, mental, and emotional stress.

They do not alter mood directly, but instead help the body to function well in a stressful environment. In essence, they CALIBR8 your body to its environment.

CALIBR8 unlocks new mental clarity, energy, focus establish a new calm and overall sense of wellbeing.

"I had no energy to work, I couldn’t drive, was barely eating and according to my friends, I looked like death. After taking Calibr8, I started to notice a difference in my energy level within a couple of days. By day five, my friends wanted to know what I was doing to cause such a drastic improvement in my health."

K. Lockett


National Day of Unplugging is a day to unplug from the impact of smartphone use on mental health.

March 4-5, 2022


Win Big Wednesday with Robin
Get your mid-week Calibr8tion and Energy with Robin! Wednesday Mornings


Kent Georgi
At Home / Online

Wednesday Evenings at 7pm (PST) on our Clar8ty International Team Facebook Page. Here, you'll also find previous videos by Kent

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