Subject: Fortify Your Body Around 5G! 💪

Fortify Your Body’s Own Natural Defenses From Harmful Wireless Emissions

Most of the electronic devices we use on a daily basis generate electromagnetic fields that could be harmful to human health. And now there are growing concerns regarding the dangerous effects of 5G technology.

The QCHIP by Clar8ty helps fortify your body and DNA from unnatural wireless emissions from your electronic devices. By placing a QCHIP on your electronics you will have the peace of mind that you are protecting your loved ones, and yourself for potentially harmful electromagnetic transmissions.

QCHIP also deploys QSET which is a nanotechnology that is infused into all of our products at a molecular level and uses natural ‘healthy’ frequencies to protect against negative factors in our environment. Each QCHIP is quantum charged for a lifetime of use. You never need to charge it and it doesn’t need batteries.


"In 2005 I had a life threatening illness and now I use the QCHIP on all my wireless devices. It gives me peace of mind; I feel grounded. Thank you Clar8ty for this product!

Clay K.

QCHIP Research Findings and Observations

A Clinical Study was conducted to explore Cellular Radiation and the effects in subjects after exposure for 30 mins and using QSET | Quantum Signature Enhancement Technology. The results shown by the BioScan technology device which was conducted by Dr Luba - Doctor of Natural Medicine.


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