Subject: Clar8ty Pathways November 2017


You may sometimes hear me talk about living your best life each Tuesday on my Facebook Live broadcast and it’s because I want that for you and I hope it speaks to your heart. Well, today I was thinking about the holiday season and how this is the time of year that often stirs up emotions of the heart. Has this ever happened to you? A person that you miss pops into your mind and a wave of sadness will come over you. Or, you hear a song or see a photo that triggers a happy thought and you’re smiling for the rest of the day. Having the resources to manage how effective you are at a moment’s notice can be one of the most valuable skills you can have in your toolbox. There’s a book and it’s one of my favorites that may help you put your finger on the pulse of your feelings and help you master how you live your best life.

The book gives you ways to begin to shift your thinking and it’s called The "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey. You may be one of the 10 million plus people who have read it, however, I want you to take a moment to reflect on some of the most common challenges we face to see if any of them resonate with you and which habit might help you overcome the issue: 
  1. Fear and insecurity
  2. “I want it now”
  3. Blame and feeling like a victim
  4. Hopelessness
  5. Lack of life balance
  6. “What’s in it for me?”
  7. The hunger to be understood
  8. Conflict and differences
  9. Personal stagnation (body, mind, heart, and spirit)
To the rescue are Covey’s 7 Habits that you can use to recalibrate. Here they are 1. Be Proactive, 2. Begin with the end in mind, 3. Put first things first, 4. Think win-win, 5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood, 6. Synergize, and 7. Sharpen the Saw.

Feel free to share this with someone you know that may be seeking skills to achieve self-mastery, or maybe they want to become more efficient or to learn ways to work well with others.

Happy Thanksgiving... and remember there is always, always, always something to be thankful for.
The Shocking Truth About Sulforaphane 

Chris Neville, VP Product Development 
Special Guest Dr. Sherrill Sellman

Dr. Sherrill Sellman will be our guest on Wednesday, November 8th at 7pm, Pacific Time to discuss targeting the NRF2 pathway with sulforaphane. She’s a leading voice in holistic health and wellness and a highly sought after international lecturer.

Dr. Sellman has written several books including Nutrigenomics, and Hormone Heresy. She is also a psychotherapist, health journalist and lectures and consults worldwide.

Chris Neville, VP of Product Development at Clar8ty will be interviewing Dr. Sellman for this informative webinar.

  • The Importance of Targeting The Source Not the Signs & Symptoms
  • Sulforaphane (sul-4-a-fane) Why It's A Nutrigenomic Powerhouse
  • How to Activate A Catalyst For Change
  • Discover the Gene Genie
WHEN: Wednesday, November 8th, 2017
TIME: 7pm, Pacific Time & 10pm, Eastern Time
CLICK to join:
CALL: 408-638-0968
WEBINAR ID: 159 102 255

About Chris Neville - VP of Product Development

With over 25 years of experience in wellness research, advertising and the direct sales industries, Chris Neville brings an unparalleled perspective to the Clar8ty Product Development team.

Chris has worked with numerous well-known companies in a wide-range of roles. He has been actively involved with innovative formulation development, strategic marketing, and setting up a million dollar production-line facility for the manufacture and global distribution of health products.

Currently, Chris’s company BioPhotonix Innovations is involved with ongoing research and product development, focused on the latest scientific findings for longevity and regeneration along with supporting the emergence of ‘exotic’ energy technologies.

Everyone is invited to join the webinar.
Dr. Ferryl B. McClain D.Ph, R.Ph
Bioenergetic Pharmacist

I invested in the Reson8 for myself simply for the emotional and mental well being. I wanted to be able to perform my work with ease and energy and that was accomplished. 

My patients, however, use it for pain relief. In my 30 years as a pharmacist, I have never seen any product relieve pain as quickly as the Reson8. Also, my patients are impressed by the weight loss and energy component as well.


Wondering what to give a friend, co-worker, or loved one for the holidays? Have fun with these timeless products that make great gifts for guys, gals, and kids. You can keep one and give the other away. Or, just play it by ear!

Starting November 1st, when you purchase a RESON8 Quantum Charged Medallion you'll receive a FREE QCHIP

Begins: November 1, 2017
Ends: November 30, 2017 (Midnight Pacific Time)


Although our food provides nutritional value, it may not fulfill all of our requirements. Soil depletion, pesticides, factory farming, picking produce before ripe, GMO, hybridization and other factors, can impact the critical micronutrient levels in modern food. The negative effect is substantiated by the rise in chronic inflammation, obesity, and poor health. Incorporating new scientific discoveries, Clar8ty has developed products that not only support optimal health but also provide an affordable and convenient solution for busy lifestyles.
Date: November 15, 2017
Time: 7PM
Location: Clar8ty Home Office
23361 Madero Suite 220
Mission Viejo CA 92691

Save the date for our Monthly Business Opportunity Meeting at the Clar8ty Home Office. Please bring your guests, exciting new things are happening at Clar8ty and we can't wait to see you.


Next month... invite your friends and warm leads to Experience Clar8ty, Saturday, Decmeber 2nd at 10:00 AM. Followed by a dynamic training to infuse your Clar8ty business with strategies and the right tools to succeed. Please bring a dish for the Potluck lunch!

We're looking forward to seeing you at Clar8ty's corporate office at 23361 Madero Suite 220, Mission Viejo CA 92691. Call customer service at (949) 328-7855 or, email us if you have any questions at


Tuesday - Robin's Facebook LIVE 
1st Wednesday - Product Expert of the month
 Last Wednesday of the month - Monthly Update
 Saturday - Brand Promoter Training
UPDATE:  Brand Promoters are encouraged to do weekly or monthly webinars or, teleseminars. Please post your dates and times on the Clar8ty International Team Facebook page and let us know so we can post on the calendar in your back office.

CLAR8TY Is Making An Impact 
In All Walks of Life 

Take a peek at this youtube video and see what the buzz is all about. Feel free to share the video with people you know.

Click here to watch the video: (5:00 mins)

Until next time – Switch it on!

25792 Obrero Dr., Mission Viejo, CA 92691, United States
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