Subject: Clar8ty Pathways November 2016

Dear Treasured Preferred Customer,

The month of November is often associated with the start of the holiday season. It’s also a time when there’s a heightened awareness about the importance and value of how thankful we are for the life we live. There have been many studies about the power of gratitude and being thankful.

Thank you is an everyday expression of gratitude and according to author and researcher Dr. Robert Emmons, “Without gratitude, life can be lonely, depressing and impoverished.” Additionally, he said, “Gratitude enriches human life. It elevates, energizes, inspires and transforms. People are moved, opened and humbled through expressions of gratitude.” Don’t get too excited because gratitude isn’t something that magically appears. Emmons says it’s a “chosen attitude.” On the flip side of this equation, if you tend to have a “victim mentality” or feel entitled these are traits you’ll want to consider giving up if you want to begin seeing different areas of your life improve such as relationships and dealing with adversity.

As a result, he says, they will experience significant improvements in several areas of life including relationships, academics, energy level and even dealing with tragedy and crisis.

Gratitude at Work
Did you know that managers who say “thank you” to the people who work for them have found that their employees feel more motivated to work harder?

Gratitude in Action
If you want to make gratitude an active part of your life here are some things you can do:
1. Thank-you notes
2. Keep a gratitude journal
3. Meditate

Being thankful can make you happy. At Clar8ty, our wish for you is abundant health, happiness and to live the life of your dreams.

Be informed and get the most out of drinking Calibr8!

The replay is now available for your listening pleasure. Chris Neville, VP of Product Development for Clar8ty shares powerful insights about the powerful 'support' ingredients that make up our flagship product Calibr8.

Discover a deeper appreciation for how you can take charge of your health. Also, be the first to get a sneak peek at part of our new 'infographic' to be released at our upcoming GENERATION NEXT event, November 12th in Mission Viejo, California.

click to watch video

You'll learn about:
The Healthy Cell Model
The 2 Causes
And, 6 Pathways

About Chris Neville
With over 25 years of experience in wellness research, advertising and the direct sales industries, Chris Neville brings an unparalleled perspective to the Clar8ty Product Development team.

Chris has worked with numerous well-known companies in a wide-range of roles. He has been actively involved with innovative formulation development, strategic marketing, and setting up a million dollar production-line facility for the manufacture and global distribution of health products.

Currently, Chris’s company BioPhotonix Innovations is involved with ongoing research and product development, focused on the latest scientific findings for longevity and regeneration along with supporting the emergence of ‘green’ energy technologies.


Begins: November 1st
Ends: November 30th

Promotion Details:  When you purchase a Cellibr8 Age Defying Night Treatment, you’ll, receive a FREE QCHIP (non-autoship orders only). Learn more...


Begins: November 1st
Ends: November 30th

Promotion Details: When a Brand Promoter achieves the Rank of 3 STAR for their very first time, we will pay a $50 bonus to that Brand Promoter AND a $50 bonus to their enroller. Learn more...


Promotion Details: Having a private tasting reception (PTR) is a great way to share Calibr8 with friends, family and associates. We value the time and effort involved in hosting a PTR. As a thank you, Clar8ty would like to send the host a FREE QChip when you have at least 3 friends together for a tasting of Calibr8. Learn more...

To all the Brand Promoters who earned the special 3 Star Promotion bonus. GREAT JOB! We appreciate your hard work and the tenacity that it takes to be a leader. It's this kind of determination that creates not just results... you have the satisfaction of knowing you're helping others.
"Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes shine to the stars. Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the swing in your gait. The grip of your hand, the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your ideas." Henry Ford
"Last year in December I was diagnosed with a health challenge and after having surgery I was always so tired during the day. I had to go home every day at lunch to take a little nap so I could even make it through the day. Tonya encouraged me to ask the doctor to review the Clar8ty products (Calibr8 and Circul8). I was surprised when he said I could take them. After he reviewed the ingredients and gave his approval, I started taking Calibr8 and Circul8 right away. Within a few days, I had a burst of energy that I hadn't had in a long time. I felt great, I felt motivated and mostly I felt healthy. Three weeks later I had a test done and when I went to the doctor he told me that I had made a full recovery from the problems that I had in December. My valves are functioning normally, my heart was in sinus rhythm and had stayed that way. I was elated. I know the Calibr8 and Circul8 are a part of this healing process. I still take it today and am so happy that Tonya encouraged me to get the products and use them. My energy is still great. If I miss a few days I can sure tell that I need my Circul8 and Calibr8. I really enjoy the natural energy that I get from it and I also feel more motivated when I take it."  Karin Marquez 
Join us Saturday evening on November 12th after the event for a  
Hawaiian style celebration with Clar8ty 'Ohana (family)
See you in January for our next Monthly Business Opportunity Meeting

We know and understand that the holidays are a very busy time. Therefore, we will not have our monthly meeting in November or December. 

Join us for our first Business Opportunity Meeting in 2017 the 4th Wednesday of the month. Please bring your guests on Wednesday, January 25th @7pm to the Clar8ty office located at 23361 Madero Suite 220, Mission Viejo CA 92691.
New Earth Expo November dates! 
  • San Diego - Sunday, November 13th
  • Los Angeles - Sunday, November 20th
Come and bring your friends to this fun event to sample the wonderful line of Cla8ty products. 

Admission to New Earth Expo is $10, but when you have a FREE Pass, you can get in for free. You'll find your complimentary pass by clicking this link: 

Yes, you can carry the QCHIP in your pocket to give you peace of mind. However, it is advisable that it is put on a phone, computer or electronic product for the optimal benefits!

Born from advanced technologies… QChip can help fortify (strengthen) the body’s own natural defenses from wireless emissions. Place the QChip on ALL of your portable and fixed electronic and wireless devices so that when you, your children, and others use those devices the QChip is in close proximity to your body’s bioenergetic field to switch it on!. To learn more, Click
Attention Getting Tips & Strategies for Social Media

Photos and video are king when it comes to engagement on social media sites such as facebook.

1. Did you know that 74% of all internet traffic in 2017 will be video?

2. When information is associated with an image that matches the message people can retain 65% of the information three days later. However, when someone hears information approximately 10% will be retained three days later.

2. When the word “video” is used in the subject of an email it increases the chances of people opening your email.

3. An image used with a facebook post will engage 2.3 times more people than a post that doesn’t have an image.

4. Quick tricks to get people to connect with your facebook posts: using a picture, adding emoticons and writing shorter posts. 

5. The days of the week when people engage more often are Thursdays and Fridays.

Websites where you can find royalty free photos online:

Have fun!
Thursdays @7pm, PT

Want to grow your business exponentially? This new call is a game changer and it's presented exclusively by Clar8ty Founder, Robin Hoffman-Haack. She just started doing these inspiring calls last month and you are invited every Thursday to learn new ideas and success strategies so we can grow together.

To participate on Robin's CLAR8TY Moment please Call: 302-202-1104 Conference Code: 731696. 
Company Overview
@7:00pm PDT (10:00 pm EDT)
Dial-in: (408) 638-0968
Webinar ID: 202 023 5004

Brand Promoter Training
Every Saturday 
@9:00am PDT (12 Noon EDT)
(408) 638-0968
Webinar ID: 
483 635 403#
Download the Zoom mobile app to connect with ease from mobile devices.

When it comes to your health and well-being are you ready to hit a home run? Al Newman, former Major League Baseball Player and 2x World Champion with the Minnesota Twins is Switched ON with Calibr8! Click to see for yourself!
Be sure to take a look at the growing resource library that can take you to a new chapter in your life. VIEW >> WEBINARS

Until next time – Switch it on!

Be sure to take a look at the growing resource library that can take you to a new chapter in your life. VIEW >> WEBINARS

Until next time – Switch it on!

25792 Obrero Dr., Mission Viejo, CA 92691, United States
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