Subject: Clar8ty Pathways May 2017


As we ease into the month of May so many things come to mind. I am most proud of your continued belief in Clar8ty and the incredible testimonials that have been pouring in. It is your enthusiasm, dedication, and participation that has propelled us to have another growth spurt! And through word of mouth more and more people are attending our webinars and live events. Words can't truly express the appreciation I have for you. 

As many of you know... I have a passion for staying healthy and have been health conscious my whole life. I want to take a moment to remind you that this is National Blood Pressure Month and it's so easy to forget that high blood pressure puts an extra strain on our arteries and our heart. Even worse, this may increase the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Perhaps you'll take a few minutes to monitor your blood pressure as well as to read some of the Clar8ty testimonials to find out how we're making a difference in people's lives. Many pharmacies make it super convenient by having a monitor to check your blood pressure right there on the premises. And last but not least, there's Cinco De Mayo followed by Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 14th and the month comes to a close with Memorial Day in honor of the people who died while serving in our country's armed forces.

We have a lot of exciting things in store for you over the next few months and it is such a privilege to be on this journey together and to make a difference in the world. 

Love Life,
The Shocking Truth About Sulforaphane

Dr. Sherrill Sellman will be our guest on Wednesday, May 3rd at 7pm, Pacific Time to discuss targeting the NRF2 pathway with sulforaphane. 
She’s a leading voice in holistic health and wellness and a highly sought after international lecturer. 

Dr. Sellman has written several books including Nutrigenomics, and Hormone Heresy. She is also a psychotherapist, health journalist and lectures and consults worldwide. 

Chris Neville, VP of Product Development at Clar8ty will be interviewing her for this informative webinar.

  • The Importance of Targeting The Source Not the Signs & Symptoms
  • Sulforaphane (sul-4-a-fane) Why It's A Nutrigenomic Powerhouse
  • How to Activate A Catalyst For Change
  • Discover the Gene Genie
Don't miss it... Wednesday, May 3rd @7pm, Pacific, 9pm, Central & 10pm, Eastern

Just click the link to join the webinar:
Or, Call: 408-638-0968
Webinar ID: 159 102 255


I wanted to write this letter to let you know of the amazing and life changing results my 16-year-old daughter Alexandria (aka Alex) is experiencing since taking Calibr8 Kids, after a few short days. You see Alex was diagnosed at the innocent age of 4, as Type 1 juvenile diabetic. She’s also an insulin resistant diabetic, which means that she has to watch her food and sugar intake. However, even when she eats all the right foods her blood sugar can skyrocket. She has even had blood sugar readings as high as 750 while in the critical care unit at the hospital. This has been nerve wracking to my family because the normal blood sugar reading should be in the 100-120 range. In fact, Alex has been admitted to the critical care unit anywhere from two to four times in a single year because of the insulin resistance becoming uncontrollable.

As time progressed over a period of seven years Alex was able to use an insulin pump instead of receiving manual shots of insulin. But, as she grew older more complications, unfortunately, showed up. Her A1C’s begin to increase and her endocrinologist felt that her blood sugar could be better controlled by taking her off the pump and going back to the manual shots.

During the past couple of years, Alex has been working toward being able to go back on the pump but we haven’t been able to get her A1C’s down into the range her endocrinologist felt comfortable with which was under 8 and it’s been 10 for over two years.

Alex started taking Calibr8 Kids and the first day we saw a significant drop and stabilization in her blood sugar especially in the mornings. On days 2, 3 and 4 she had the same great results. And it just so happened that on the fourth day of drinking Calibr8 Kids she had a previously scheduled endocrinology appointment. The first thing that happened that day at the endocrinologist's office is that all of her blood glucose meter readings are downloaded and reviewed day by day from the last visit to adjust her carb to insulin ratio if needed. Which have been adjusted up during her last few visits.

The doctor came back into the exam room and asked Alex what she had been doing differently over the last four days and she responding asking him why he wanted to know. The doctor told her that the reading was the best they've been for a long time. Alex further explained, “My dad has been giving me this stuff and I’ve been drinking it in the morning.” The doctor asked her what this stuff was. And in typical 16-year-old fashion, she told him “I don’t know, it tastes like fruit punch kind of.” He continued the exam, draws her blood for the A1C work up, and a few minutes later he returned and said, ”Guess what Alex, your A1C’s are below 8 and you can go back on the pump!”

What makes this so significant, is that all of the restrictive dietary intake and countless naturopathic and medical treatments we have tried up to the time Alex began drinking Calibr8 Kids, had not come close to giving her any positive results like dropping her A1C’s or stabilizing her blood sugars. The results have been tremendously life changing and continue to get better since she has been taking the product. I am truly grateful that we found Clar8ty.

Brownie F (devoted father)

Everybody's Got a Clar8ty Story. Tell Us Yours!

Share your Clar8ty experience. We would love to pass the good news along to others. Reach out to us at with your story, tips, and recipes.
Clar8ty’s Yummer Summer Recipe Challenge!

You don’t have to be a master chef to participate in this challenge but thinking like one and using a little ingenuity could help you WIN! 

We’re looking for tasty recipes that are created using one of Clar8ty’s flagship products Calibr8 or Calibr8 Kids nutritional drink mix and we are challenging you to get creative in the kitchen!

The Recipe Challenge will begin on Thursday, June 1st and end on Thursday, June 15th at midnight, Pacific Time. ONE lucky entrant will WIN a QChip that can help strengthen the body’s own natural defenses from wireless emissions. And the rest of us will be awarded with new healthy recipes that we can savor throughout the summer and all year long!

To enter: Post your recipe and a picture of the finished product on our FB Page, any time or day between June 1st and Thursday, June 15th. Your post will be added to our photo collection of recipes and our judges will VOTE on Friday, June 16th. The WINNER will be announced on Saturday, June 17th on our FB page. Recipes must include either our Clar8ty Calibr8 or Calibr8 Kids drink mix. And you must be a FAN of our FB page to win. Here's the link: 
“The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.” 


With the purchase of 2 Circul8

Starts: May 1st, 2017 
Ends: May 31st, 2017 at Midnight Pacific Time

Promotion Details: Living your BEST life in 2017 means honoring your well-being inside as well as outside. Take advantage of this special offer and receive a FREE Cellibr8 with the purchase of 2 Circul8.


With all new orders of QSPA

Begins: April 1st, 2017
Ends: May 31st, 2017 at Midnight Pacific Time

Details: All news orders QSPA will be receiving (1) free RESON8 Quantum Charged Medallion. This includes the purchase of any QSPA product including the Quantum Pak. (The free product will not reflect in the shopping cart.)


Indirectly, yes. An “increase” in glutathione levels improves ATP production. When glutathione gets too low in the muscle cells, the levels of oxidizing free radicals rise. These react with parts of the cell’s “machinery” (mitochondria), lowering their output of ATP. So the muscle cells then experience an energy crisis, causing fatigue. Over time, more problems accumulate in the mitochondria because of the lack of sufficient glutathione. These issues include toxins, viral DNA, and mineral imbalances… a vicious cycle.

For more information on Calibr8 click

What is ATP? Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a nucleotide, also called a nucleoside triphosphate, is a small molecule used in cells as a coenzyme. It is often referred to as the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy transfer. ATP transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism. Source: Wikipedia
We're head over heels excited about Clar8ty launching in Las Vegas on Saturday, June 3rd from 2 to 7 pm at the Optimum Medical Institute. Hosted by Clar8ty and Dr. Sandra Rose Michael we have an amazing lineup of extraordinary speakers including Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, NASA Physicist Dennis Watts, Stanford Biophysicist, Dr. Glen Rein. Additional details for this event and how to purchase tickets will be posted on

We are here for YOU! Please join us the 4th Wednesday of each month. This is a FREE event open to all Brand Promoters, Preferred Customers & Guests.

When: Wednesday, May 24th, 2017 @7pm
Where: Clar8ty Office 23361 Madero Suite 220 Mission, Viejo, CA 92691

Have fun networking and making new friends 
while growing your Clar8ty business!

*If you're unable to attend and would like to send your guest, please contact Customer Service with the name of your guest at and we will make sure they get a warm welcome and have a wonderful experience.

Want to hear Clar8ty Founder Robin Hoffman-Haack and others sharing their passion for Calibr8? I bet you'll want to pass it on to your friends, family, and associates.

Click here to watch the video (8:28 mins):

Until next time – Switch it on!

25792 Obrero Dr., Mission Viejo, CA 92691, United States
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