Subject: Clar8ty Pathways January 2018

It's January 2018 and I hope you are excited about the coming year. As I look at the months ahead the word that comes to mind is focus and the fact that a 2015 study conducted by Microsoft revealed that the average human has an attention span of eight seconds. The good news is your mindset and the right tools can improve your focus. Try these tips and see what works for you:
  1. Sleep - “The inability to concentrate is often caused by a lack of delta sleep,” was one of the findings of Vatsal Thakkar, MD a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine. Experts suggest getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night.
  2. Hydration - The Journal of Nutrition found that mild dehydration can cause inattention. Feeling thirsty isn’t always an indicator that you need to drink water, therefore, even if you don’t feel dehydrated drinking water may help you focus.
  3. Exercise - Don’t underestimate the power of exercise because it focuses your mind, gives you a 12-hour mood boost and helps sharpen your brain’s performance.
Focus is a muscle that can be built and with these tips you're on the road to making the most of this year.

Wishing you a wonderful year with more blessings than your hands can hold!
Special Guest: Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, DNM
Host: Mr. Chris Neville
Wednesday, January 3rd @7pm, PST

The Ultimate Source of Wellness – Your Own Body

Learn about QSET BioScalar technology and how it is changing the conversation about nutrition. 

This dynamic 30 minute interview will share...
  • The origins of QSET BioScalar technology 
  • Why QSET is more important now than ever
  • How Clar8ty products can benefit you like no other products on the market
Chris Neville, VP of Product Development at Clar8ty will be interviewing Dr. Sandra Rose Michael and you will get an insider's perspective on the uniqueness of QSET BioScalar technology.

WHEN: Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018
TIME: 7pm, Pacific Time & 10pm, Eastern Time
CLICK to join:
CALL: 408-638-0968
WEBINAR ID: 159 102 255

About Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, DNM
Dr. Sandra is a world-renowned innovator and educator who has taught holistic health worldwide for more than 30 years. She’s a member of the Scientific Council for National Bio Science, Europe, and supports the International Parliament for Safety and Peace. Dr. Sandra has also served as Ambassador for the World Organization of Natural Medicine and is on the faculty for the federally-accredited Institute of Energy Wellness Studies, Canada.
About Chris Neville - VP of Product Development

With over 25 years of experience in wellness research, advertising and the direct sales industries Chris has worked with numerous well-known companies in a wide-range of roles. He has been actively involved with innovative formulation development, strategic marketing, and setting up a million dollar production-line facility for the manufacture and global distribution of health products. As VP of Product Development for Clar8ty he brings integrity and his extraordinary expertise. 

Everyone is invited to join the webinar.

The QChip can help fortify (strengthen) the body’s own natural defenses
from wireless emissions. Place the QChip on ALL of your portable and
fixed electronic and wireless devices so that when you, your children,
and others use those devices the QChip is in close proximity to your
body’s bioenergetic field to switch it on!

Tuesday - Robin's Facebook LIVE @12:30pm, PST
1st Wednesday - Product Expert Webinar @7pm, PST
 Last Wednesday of the month - Monthly Update @6pm, PST
 Saturday - Brand Promoter Training @9am, PST
If you want to get your monthly order of Calibr8 paid for, or you’re considering upgrading from being a Preferred Customer to a Brand Promoter please speak to Michelle in Customer Service and she will gladly help you. The office email is: and the office number is: 949.328.7855.
Debra's testimonial... "It's given me 4 more hours in the day!"

Clar8ty Brand Promoter, Debra Haines shares her story about how drinking Calibr8 has made a major difference in her life and given her a welcomed feeling of vitality and good health.

Click here to watch the video: (2:13 mins)

Until next time – Switch it on!
25792 Obrero Dr., Mission Viejo, CA 92691, United States
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