Subject: Calibr8 key ingredient: Superoxide Dismutase

Nutrigenomics is one of the core technologies behind Calibr8. Nutrigenomics is the study of identifying and understanding molecular-level interaction between nutrients and other dietary foods in our genome. Calibr8 is a nutritional drink mix that ’communicates’ with your genes prompting them to produce more antioxidant and detoxification enzymes.

Key Ingredient

French Cantaloupe: Superoxide Dismutase – Extramel® (Patent)

In 1989, melon producers in southern France discovered a new variety of Cantaloupe melon that had a surprisingly longer shelf life than other melons.

The secret to this unique long-lasting quality was the exceptionally high content of Superoxide Dismutase, a powerful primary antioxidant.

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is the body's first line of defense against the most damaging free radicals that cause disease, disorder, and aging. SOD can decrease your daily perception of stress while increasing your energy.



Our bodies are already coded to produce potent primary antioxidants like SOD that can inhibit destructive free radicals at the source of the inflammation, within our cells.



Environmental toxins, aging, poor lifestyle and poor diet choices slowly diminish our cells' ability to produce its own primary antioxidants.

A key ingredient in Calibr8 is EXTRAMEL®. This is the proprietary freeze-dried melon juice concentrate obtained by physical treatment (crushing of the melon, recovery of the pulp, centrifugation, filtration, freeze-drying) of a specific variety of melon (not a genetically modified organism) which contains high levels of SOD and other antioxidants (US Patent No 5 616 323). This potent antioxidant helps alleviate stress, fatigue, irritability, and pain; promote better sleep, increase concentration and optimize internal Superoxide Dismutase production.


More Energy

Better Focus & Concentration

Restful Sleep

Less Stress

Reduce Toxicity

Enhanced Skin Complexion

Boosts Immune System


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