Subject: ACTIV8 Fast - Recipe Contest!


Do you enjoy creating in the kitchen? Our latest product Active Fast can be used for cooking, so we would like to challenge all of you kitchen connoisseurs to partake in this fun contest. 

The rules are simple:

  1. Activ8 Fast has to be included in recipe & you can use any other Clar8ty product(s). 

  2. Recipe should compliment a Keto diet. 

  3. We ask that you send in the recipe, a picture or video clip.

Contest STARTS June 22nd

Contest ENDS July 15th

Winner will receive a Free Activ8 Fast!  

Judges will recreate the recipe and judge based on:

  • Which Clar8ty product(s) were used

  • Taste

  • Ease of recipe

  • Does it compliment a Keto diet?

Perhaps you are a baker and peanut bars or wedding balls are your forte.

Activ8 Fuel can help make a protein Bite. 

Activ8 Fast can be the sugar substitute.

Maybe you enjoy the blender and can come up with a new juice?


Calibr8, Keto or Fuel can be used in conjunction with fruit. 

Watch & Share this 4 minute video about the science of ACTIV8 Fast


"“I started using Activ8 Fast with no expectations except satiety. In 23 days I dropped 10 lbs!! I have kept it off and have changed nothing else. I use ¼ tsp. in my coffee and I drink two cups so ½ tsp total daily and another bonus I am not hungry!”


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