Subject: ❄️❄️ Pathways December 2022❄️❄️

Hi Friend

This is an amazing time of year with the extra focus on love, family and giving. There is nothing more precious than the gift of your time, love and health!

I have quite the story to share that made me step back and think about this. On the Friday after Thanksgiving, my health changed in the blink of an eye. I went outside for my routine afternoon play with our dogs and my daughter’s two Golden Retrievers on the beach. I had my hands full with tennis balls and the dogs were full of excitement. Before I knew it, the two goldens were behind me when one ran into the other and hit me knocking me down. I landed on my left hip and as soon as I rolled over I knew something was injured. It took me a bit, but my husband and daughter got me in a chair and I thought maybe I had gotten lucky and just pulled a tendon or muscle. I iced it and through the night and had some Advil, but I wasn’t in terrible pain so I thought surely it would feel better in the morning. The next morning, we decided it would be smart to get an x-ray to see if there was a serious injury, and sure enough, it was fractured. The medical team let us know that it was an operable fracture and having surgery would get me back to my active state as quickly as possible. I had surgery that afternoon with an amazing surgeon that put in couple screws and a pin. We bonded over our love of exercise and dogs and she assured me that the procedure would ensure that I could get back to both quickly. I was able to go home the next day since I was sufficient on the walker and able to go up and downstairs and the healing began!

In all my “down time” I have realized on thing: the MOST important thing you can do is take care of your health. Movement, nutrition and incredible supplements are the real reason why I am healing so quickly and am strong enough to get back to my routine. Without our health we have nothing.

I feel so grateful to have the Clar8ty products in my daily routine for over 8 years! I know our products, including the Reson8 in my hospital bed, are an essential component to my rapid healing. I encourage you to put yourself first, take care of your health and share the gift of health this holiday season.

Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year!



More Energy
Better Focus & Concentration
Restful Sleep
Less Stress
Reduce Toxicity
Enhanced Skin Complexion
Boosts Immune System




Colleen L.

I love the CALIBR8 drink! It gives me more stamina throughout the day! If I notice inflammation or soreness in my body, I drink Calibr8 a few times a day. Overall my body feels healthier when I drink it! Nice taste too!


Emilio R.

CALIBR8 is an amazing product that make it easy for me to stay healthy!


Debra H.

I’ve been using CALIBR8 for 6 years and at the very start I got 4 extra hours in my day! It’s better than any coffee! I feel awake and alive all day. No more naps for me! I’m so much more productive it’s amazing!


Win Big Wednesday with Robin
Get your mid-week Calibr8tion and Energy with Robin! Wednesday Mornings


Kent Georgi
At Home / Online

Join Kent on December 8 at 7pm (PST) on our Clar8ty International Team Facebook Page. 

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