Subject: Crown Diamond Calls and Announcements

Hello Friend,

This Tuesday we will be hearing from: 

Margie Aliprandi
and other Neways Diamonds

to talk about strategies for the next 60 days and how to use the Modere and Shifting Retail sites to prospect.

Tuesday September 3rd
7 pm PT 8 pm MT 9 pm CT 10 pm ET

1-424-203-8000 code: 150332#:

As a reminder, you have until midnight tonight to purchase your Home Conversion Kit!

It's a super deal. I hate to see anyone miss the boat on this, in that you will likely get back 3-5X your investment in 60-90 days. Remember to flag it as your September direct ship! 
Special Webinar Replay

Here is the replay to the webinar from August 31st with our US GM Justin Serra and Chief of IT Kevin Givan. Be sure and watch this again and have your team watch this asap. Lets finish strong this last day left in the early adopter stage. Lets change the world! 

Copy and paste this URL in your browser and use the password "earlyadopter"

And register for part 2 tonight

The Modere pre-launch is just hours away and it is amazing to think this exciting endeavor has been more than a year in the making! Tonight’s Modere Team Call will be replaced with a special webinar where Justin Prince and US General Manager Justin Serra will be holding additional training. Tune in and learn all about the website, how to use your customer codes, and many other crucial tips.

Please join us for this webinar tonight, September 2, 2013 at 7pm MST. Register for the webinar at If you know that you won't be at a computer, please call in to join us at 1-415-655-0061 and use the access code 491-452-916.

500 Qualification Points for Rank Advancement!

All Early Adopters will receive 500 qualification points for rank advancement!

As you know, the Modere Lifestyle Kit pays a $100 cash bonus to the sponsor and 250 points in the compensation plan. This will remain unchanged, however instead of 250 points for qualification each Early Adopter will be awarded 500 qualification points. In most cases, this will allow you to get paid deeper into your organization, access additional bonuses, and achieve greater rank titles.

Many of our dedicated Early Adopters have been working for numerous weeks building solid organizations. This pre-revenue phase will culminate with our first commission month in September. Due to this hard work many Early Adopters will be eligible for well-deserved Rank Advancement Bonuses (which will be doubled, of course). Therefore, we would also like to announce that we are waiving the Rank Advancement consistency requirement for the first month. This means that if an Early Adopter qualifies for a Rank Advancement Bonus in September, but happens to slide below that rank in October, they will not lose the 2nd or 3rd month’s Rank Advancement Bonus! Then will earn the 2nd bonus when they regain the qualifying paid title and again the 3rd bonus should they maintain the title in the following month.

We just want to express our appreciation again for each of you and all the amazing work you are doing to build your Modere business. Let’s get ready for a game changing September!

Upcoming calls: 

09/10- David Gray with Special guests
09/17- Gary Ryan Blair

Don't forget to say "Hi" on the call!  Also, if you have any questions regarding the relaunch, please reach out to me. 
