Subject: Webinar Tonight at 7pm Eastern & Update

Hi Again. Two Things Are Happening!

One: There is a crazybtc crowdfunding webinar tonight at 7pm eastern.

Meeting ID: 992 6599 4913
Passcode: 375833

Two: Second Happening

There are two crowdfunding platforms I use. Coop5050 and Crazybtc. I accidentally added Crazybtc with the Coop5050 newsletter. I apologize. This is the Coop5050 newsletter. To join the Crazybtc newsletter click the button below. I apologize if this has caused any confusion.

CrazyBTC Crowdfunding

Well if you are still reading here is why two crowdfunding platforms

Coop5050 is going great and received 2 donations today. I am still very active and rockin coop5050.
 In addition I am an affiliate for a company that recently changed their business model to crowdfunding. I built up a high energy team and I did not want to stop working with the team of great people so I continued with the new model. I accidentally merged the two companies in one newsletter lol. I apologize.

Therefore I am a member of coop5050 and crazybtc.

Still With Me LOL. Okay!

That is all I have for today. Whew! I trust I see you tonight on the Crazybtc webinar at 7pm eastern. Moving forward this newsletter will only be for coop5050 as it has been until today lol. If you want to learn about crazybtc click the button above and come to the webinar tonight. Blessings.

Many Blessings Rhonda Kaye
The Inspired Advocate

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