Subject: No Experience Necessary & Make Money Easy - Not True! Here is Why? Friend


It Takes Work

Friend How are you?

Here is a quick note for you today. Crowdfunding is not a get rich quick or a make money opportunity. Also, there is experience required. Daily, weekly and monthly work towards your crowdfunding campaign requires work.

The work required is: create a fundraising goal and go out and tell people you are raising funds for a particular goal and eventually the donations will come. If you do not tell one will know and you will not receive donations.

The experience required is: learning how to get the word out which means find videos to show you how to do the work or pay someone to do the work. Either way the work must be completed. Learn how to post videos, images, post audio, send emails, buy emails, use safe lists, ask family, friends...however you desire to fundraise learn how and that starts your experience.

I am writing this because everyday I receive emails from people telling me if I pay $100 or $1000 I do not have to do the work or I do not have to tell anyone and I will magically make money. They promise to build my business for me and ALL I HAVE TO DO IS PAY MONEY.

This is not true. In 2016 I used a get rich quick program fully knowing what I was doing. The promise was I will earn 5% daily. I knew no one can guarantee this but I did it anyway. I put in $1000 and I earned daily for about 90 days. Because I knew this system and company were not on the up and up I withdrew money everyday and sometimes every week.

One day I had about $200 to withdraw and when I logged in the company, the website, the emails for the company were all gone. I had $200 left however......

I met people who took out second mortgages in the amount of $150,000 and put this money in this fraud system and they lost it...

There is no such thing as a free takes work.

Anyhow, things are getting very interesting and I encourage you to work to get on the side of money you desire to be on...because the economy is changing before our eyes.

There is also a coop5050 webinar today at 2pm est. It is the same link as you have received before. Even on the webinars if you hear a strategy where you do not have to do any work...just know someone will have to do the work.

Many blessings

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