Subject: Do You Match What You Want? Huh Wait! Plus Webinars Today!

Friend, Are you a match to what you want?

What does that mean lol? Well we are energy and we put out certain vibrations. Most people call them feelings and thoughts. When you think about something it evokes a feeling and that feeling attracts what you want or what you do not want.

Anyhow do you fee like you are a match or attracting what you want? If not check your thoughts, feelings and where you are. If you are where you desire to be financially, relationship wise or health that is excellent...and if not...make the necessary adjustment to get what you want....

How? Reach for a happy thought which will evoke a happy feeling...Feel as if you already have it...and with this you can not be denied....your circumstance will change...

Okay, Friend we have two live webinars today and this is a reminder and invitation. We are presenting cooperative economics. We need each other to reach the pinnacle of donations we desire.

Soooo...only IF you want to focus on crowdfunding here is the schedule for the week.

Days: Sunday - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday

Time: 12:00PM Eastern Time


Days: Sunday - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday

Time: 8:30PM Eastern Time


After the webinar start for free and upgrade sending your first donation. Only if this is what you want to do right now.

Many blessings

Empower Team

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