Subject: Friend, Building Anticipation For Your Book

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Building Anticipation For Your Book

Welcome to our new students of the free Plan Your Novel mini-course, Plan Your Novel full course, and Craft Compelling Characters course. And welcome to our new affiliates for the school!

May 25, 2016
Oakland, California
Cloudy and Foggy, 54 degrees F

Hi Friend, 

For the past few weeks, I've been in that in between time: the intensity of an editing phase is over and my beta readers have my young adult adventure fantasy manuscript.

I've felt a bit at loose ends and on edge, like waiting for the refreshing storm to break but not looking forward to it at the same. And not being able to stop the storm from coming.

Through it all, I have been preparing my marketing -- taking out affordable ads to market book 1 in the series when book 3 comes out (the books do need to be read in order, like Harry Potter); and focusing on other aspects of my business, like the new affiliate program for my school (check out the details here) and behind the scenes marketing prep (more on that in a few weeks).

Another thing I've done is market book 3 by talking about my process, like I am now; and sending book 1 out for review. I got three new reviews last week, 2 on, and one at Yippee! My efforts are paying off.

My point is that I've noticed many novelists seem to think they need to have it all together before they market themselves and their books. The reality is you can share your process -- your passion and excitement for your current WIP (work in progress) and things that relate to your current work -- now. You don't need to wait until things are polished and perfect.

In that way, you'll engage your audience, get them curious and wanting to know more, and keep your work top of mind for them, building anticipation. All parts of marketing.

Here's some fun examples on social media to show you want I mean:

-- Lea Kirk, a science fiction romance author, and a friend of mine, shares her excitement over the new Star Trek movie coming. (she's an avowed Trekke!) [facebook link]

-- Judith Tarr, a science fiction/fantasy author, shares about the horses she raises, giving us little insights into her daily life. Many of her novels are about horses, no surprise there. I just finished her book White Mare's Daughter and LOVED it. (A review will be coming soon.)

-- I shared about the review copies I was sending out for my Henrietta The Dragon Slayer series. I love shipping books and other goodies to readers!

-- I shared about a cause I care about -- empowerment of women and girls via media -- a summer camp for teen girls to teach them how to make movies.

What could you share that reflects your passion and values as they relate to your current work?

Conversely, what stops you from sharing your process?

The notion of sharing your process is from Austin Kleon's book, Share Your Work!. In fact, it was from reading his book a few years ago that I really opened my eyes to how creative we can be in this phase of our marketing.

We humans are creative beings... As a novelist, you channel that creativity into your writing. If you haven't already, I invite you to extend the field of your creativity to include your marketing. I know you can!

If you'd like more support on marketing as a novelist, then check out my foundations course, Branding and Marketing for Novelists at my online school. You can work at your own pace; you get lifetime access to the course and online support as you go through the curriculum. I answer all posts personally within 1-2 business days.

I'd love to hear from you. Hit reply to let me know what you could do or are already doing to share your passion and values and your process. And tell me what stops you, if anything.


News! Only 6 days left for this special offer!

In school news...

I'm passionate about helping writers become novelists and am offering a special Novel Writing and Editing Bundle -- 4 courses to help you plan, write, and edit your novel. 

1. Plan Your Novel: Planning for Non-Planners (Normally $60)
2. Craft Compelling Characters: Learn to craft characters your readers can fall in love with. This course is especially for genre novelists. (Normally $60)
3. The Writer's Adventure Guide: 12 Stages to Writing Your Book: Self-Coaching Guide to Writing Your Book (Normally $60)
4. Edit Your Novel Bootcamp: 30-Day Editing Challenge for Dedicated Novelists (Normally $60)

I'm offering this special bundle at $40 off until May 31st.

Click here to sign up: Or click on any of the images to jump over to the special bundle page. :)
  • You get all 4 courses for $199.
  • You can pay in one payment or in installments.
  • You can also upgrade for 1-1 support with an experienced coach, me. If you'd like even more support than this special bundle offers, consider joining our 12-month Group Coaching Program.

I'm passionate about crafting courses that writers can use to move forward in writing their novels.

I want to empower you to write your novel because your stories are important and can make an impact on readers that we can't even imagine.

Have a Happy and Creative Week!

And thanks for showing up for yourself and doing your creative work!

All our best,
Beth & Ezra

PS. If you found this newsletter useful, please forward it to your friends, writing buddies, and people who you know want to write a novel, but gosh darn it, haven't yet.

PPS. If there are resources you'd like to support your novel writing career, but don't see on my blog, products, school, or 12-month author group coaching program, hit reply and let me know. I'm always creating new courses and products for you, so that you can inspire the world.

Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, with 18 books and 5 awards to their name. They are teachers who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published and into the hands of their readers.

♥ Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

♥ We offer coaching, change work sessions, book marketing coaching (Beth) and cover design (Ezra), all for genre novelists. More at 

♥ To explore how Beth can support you, schedule a 1-hour complimentary Discovery Call here:


I support writers and aspiring authors through classes and workshops, articles, books, group programs, and consultations with private clients.

I also help authors because I walk my talk; everything I or my teachers teach is based in real experience and matured through the school of hard knocks.

I believe that the creative life works better with play and love, so with playful joy, I offer you goodies to support you in your writer's adventure.


An award-winning novelist, certified creativity coach and Master NLP Practitioner, Beth runs Writer's Fun Zone, a blog for and by writers, and her recently launched school for novelists, the Barany School of Fiction.

Beth writes young adult (YA) fantasy and contemporary fantasy romance. She also writes how-to books and courses for novelists, including her home study coaching guide, The Writer's Adventure Guide: 12 Stages to Writing Your Book, a Hero's Journey adaption with you the author as the hero in your own adventure of writing your book.

In her downtime, Beth reads, colors, watches movies with her sweetie, travels, and has coffee with friends and family. And plays with her cat, gardens, and walks. And sleeps. She loves sleep.

Photo Credit: by c. 2014 Vivienne McMaster

Here's some nasturtiums and jasmine in the neighborhood.
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