Is one of your dreams to get published?
Then giving and receiving feedback on your work is crucial.
One of the best ways to give and receive feedback is from your peers, where you all care about creating the best stories you can for your readers, and you help each other with that with respect, compassion, and rigor.
That's why I'm excited to offer you a critique group.
Julia came to me wanting feedback for her science fiction stories in a peer group.
I didn't already have that set up in my business, so we created one together.
I'm thrilled to work together with Julia to set this up.
With her background as an instructional designer and a writer who's been workshopping her science fiction stories in other settings, I felt confident we could create this group up for you.
This offer is exclusive to people subscribed to Creativity Sparks, because you're part of my writing community that I call Fellowship of the Pen.
Whether you've taken a workshop from me or purchased one of my books, I'm excited to bring this offer to you.
We're taking applications and are limiting the group to 12 writers.
Apply here:
The Winter Session of the Next Step Writer’s Group will meet twice a month for four months, starting Wednesday, January 8th, 2025.
Each session will be 1.5 hours long and meet on Zoom.
Format: How we will work together during our sessions
The Next Step Writer’s Group is a workshop-based writing group where participants will sign up for their writing to be workshopped by the group twice monthly for 4 months, helping writers maintain a consistent writing and editing schedule.
Application Process
** We will be accepting applications for the Winter Session of the Next Level Writing Group between December 9th and December 23rd.
To apply, fill out the Google form and submit a writing sample of 3,000 words in standard submission format.
We will notify applicants by December 27th of their status. Because of the interactive nature of the group, we must cap the group at 12, but we may be running additional sessions later in the year.
Cost: At this time there's no cost for this beta session, though we will start charging a nominal fee most likely in the next session later in 2025.
Please only apply if…
Because we want to make sure we're all pulling in the same direction...
1. You’re available for all of the sessions. (You can miss just one session.)
2. You’re willing to revise and submit your work for critique.
3. You’re willing to read up to 6,000 words of work (two pieces of 6,000 words each) every two weeks and critique them.
4. You’re willing to critique other writers’ work in a constructive and considerate manner.
All the details and how to apply here: