Did you know that wherever you sit your bootee down time write is highly correlated with the present moment?
All that to say, breathe. You got this. You are right where you need to be.
The struggle is the gift.
So, what is the gift of your moment?
What we call negative emotions are messages about what's out of alignment, no longer working, and is open to revision -- by you, and quite possibly by those around you.
Yes, there are many things beyond our control to change, and we didn't make the circumstance we were born into, and change is not all on you.
Change is a collective and individual action.
Okay, I didn't know that would pour out of me. I have been thinking about change and collective action and asking for and receiving support, especially when I feel alone.
Because you are actually never alone when we open your heart to the support of the force of gravity of this planet, and of all the people and places that have nurtured and supported you to get to this moment, this now, this in and this out breath.
As I sit in a local cafe (La Farine on Piedmont Avenue in Oakland) and write you this email, I'm excited to share with you what's coming up this quarter. More specifics coming in later emails.
Between now through Sat., Jan. 25th, midnight MT: Sue Brown-Moore, a friend and fellow expert writing teacher and coach, is having a Flash Sale! Save 25% on your choice of courses!
Master emotional storytelling with The Story Snapshot Method, conquer plot problems with Liar Liar Plot on Fire, or polish your prose with Learn to Line Edit Like a Pro.
All the details about this fab offer go here. And be sure to use the coupon at checkout to get your discount!
Live Q&A Monthly Office Hours start this month and will be the second Tuesday of the month. For students and clients! This month it's Tues, Jan. 14th, 2025, 11am PT/2pm ET. If you've purchased anything from me, even one of my ebooks and you're on this list and you didn't get the invite to the next week's event, send me a screenshot of your purchase and I will add you to the reminder list so you get the Zoom link.
Jan. 19 - 26, 2025: Participating in 2 panels - Virtual Author Panels for Fantasy, Sci-Fi, & Horror writers. A free streaming event! Details here: https://fanfiaddict.com/tbrcon2025/
I'll be on these panels -- looking forward to it!:
Appearances and Talks coming in February 2025
Write Your Own Way virtual summit, Feb. 1-5
AI Writing Summit 2.0, Feb. 17-20
Events coming in March and April 2025
In-person Film Mixer and Fundraiser for my short film, Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, Sat., March 15
Author Playshop workshop for Hannah Marie Sol's online community, April 15
In-person workshop to the Benicia Literary Arts, March or April TBD
Published Novelist & Book Coach, Gala Russ, teaches "Writing the Romantic Subplot" online workshop to our community, April 30
I'm excited for all these events this quarter and beyond.
If you would like me to speak to your writer's community or group, learn more about my offerings here, and write me. Let's talk!
But wait there's more! 🤣
This year I plan to put more attention on the systems and processes that help me sell my courses and products to writers, as well as my novels to readers.
Stay tuned as I share more about sales and marketing processes in the weeks and months ahead. What I'm learning can help you sell more too.
Because the word of the year is sell-sell-sell and make the process my own.
Because I do good work in the world and I want folks to take advantage of all I have on offer.
It's time to let my light shine!