Subject: Why do we procrastinate on our writing? ❤️

Fiction Writers, Tools and Events to Feed Your Creative Soul

Why do we procrastinate on our writing?


The latest How To Write The Future podcast episode is up!


Why do we procrastinate on our writing?

Listen, watch, or read the post (full transcript) here:


Friday, Feb. 16, 2024

Hi Friend,

Lately I've stalled on my edits for book 5 in my space station investigator series.

Thankfully though I have various groups of support -- the several peer groups I'm in and the one I lead -- that helped me get back on track.

I've been in one group or another since I started writing fiction seriously 25 years ago.

In fact, I would not be here today -- working on my 16th novel -- if I hadn't been in a support group or three this whole time.

Yet, it wasn't always this way.

I remember clearly struggling for many years, my whole 20s in fact, to be a novelist, alone, dabbling, and unclear on how to go about it.

Looking back I see I had the desire but lacked some things too.

I didn't have the know-how.

I also was more committed to other things (nonfiction writing) than I was to fiction.

That was okay. I didn't make the time for fiction, while I set aside time for other kinds of writing.

Finally, when I was 29 years old and I just gotten rejected from journalism grad school, I realized that I needed to prioritize my fiction. Or let go of the dream.

So I decided to commit to fiction, joined my first writers group, and started on the adventure that has led me here.

I keep coming back to reconnecting to my commitment and making fiction a priority because writing fiction is fun.

Your turn!

What’s fun for you?

What's priority for you?

Where is your commitment?

Hit reply and let me know. I'd love to hear.

Join us!

We have room for 3 more people in our 12-month group mastermind.

If it’s fun to be working on your science fiction or fantasy novel, editing, re-working, re-writing, and getting ready to publish it, then join us for our 12-month group mastermind for science fiction and fantasy writers.


Here’s a short blurb on our offer, who it’s for, and what the transformation we offer and what’s unique about how we work.

For science fiction and fantasy writers who have finished a first draft - congrats! - you're invited to join our 12-month group mastermind program where we help you unleash your story's potential and transform it into a publish-ready masterpiece.

In our small group offering customized support by 2 experienced writers and writing teachers (myself and my husband, thriller writer, Ezra Barany), you’ll learn to edit, develop mastery, and improve your own writing by giving and receiving feedback in a small highly-interactive group.

Email me if you’d like to talk about joining us.

Or sign up here:


On to this week's episode where:

  • I answer a listener's question, “Why do we procrastinate on our writing?”

  • and share how you can show up for yourself and make writing a priority;

  • and explain the benefits of having a writing community and how to find resources to find one that suits you.

Tune in and enjoy!

To listen or read this episode's transcript, go here (Writer's Fun Zone):

The How To Write The Future podcast is for science fiction and fantasy writers who want to write positive futures and successfully bring those stories out into the marketplace.


Next week, stay tuned for Ep. 85, a Story Success Clinic session on Collaborative Writing.


Upcoming Event

How to Successfully Launch & Reach Thousands with your Best Selling Book

I'll be a panelist in this upcoming free event next week.

Feb. 23, 2024, 10-11:30am Pacific

On Zoom.


All the juicy details and to sign up.

In this inspiring, informative learning lab we’ll guide you through the writing, publishing and launch journey.

Lead by our expert team of best selling, award-winning and multiply-published WOMEN authors, editors and book coaches.

I’ve teamed up with the most supportive circle of best selling, award-winning and multiply-published women authors, editors and book coaches here to guide you through your book journey.

Join us for, “Successfully Launch Your Best Selling Book”.

Bring your biggest questions with you.

We’ll open up for Q&A.

We’re here to support you to get your book out into the world and into the hands of thousands of people.

Our deep wish is for you to get your book into the world and in the hands of thousands of people.

RSVP to attend free as my guest here:

Happy Writing!



PS. For science fiction and fantasy writers who have finished a first draft, you're invited to check out our 12-month group Mastermind program.

** Enroll by March 15 and get early bird bonuses. Details here.

Includes an invitation to the Manifest and Mingle Vision Board Facebook Party for Writers (Jan. 8th to 12th, 2024).Includes an invitation to the Manifest and Mingle Vision Board Facebook Party for Writers (Jan. 8th to 12th, 2024).


Ready to publish soon? Then it's a great time to get your email marketing game on. Check out Liz Wilcox's email marketing welcome sequence freebie.

Includes an invitation to the Manifest and Mingle Vision Board Facebook Party for Writers (Jan. 8th to 12th, 2024).Includes an invitation to the Manifest and Mingle Vision Board Facebook Party for Writers (Jan. 8th to 12th, 2024).


Stuck with your line editing? Then check out, "Line Editing Made Simple: 5 Days to More Polished Pages" -- a fab 5-day course created by Stacy Juba, a seasoned editor. This is offer is a goodie at no cost to you!


🌟 If you find my resources helpful, please forward them to a friend who may need them too. Thanks!


Beth Barany
Creativity Coach for Writers

Teacher, Speaker, Workshop Facilitator

Creativity is the answer.

I not only teach and coach novelists, I am one too! 

Author of *Magical Tales of Romance, Mystery, and Adventure*

Award-winning science fiction & fantasy novelist.


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buy me a coffee.

Beth Barany is an award-winning science fiction and fantasy novelist, and certified creativity coach for writers.

She specializes in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. 

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live in the territory of Huichin, part of the stolen land of the Chochenyo Muwekma Ohlone, the successors of the historic and sovereign Verona Band of Alameda County.


I stand with people of Ukraine and all peoples in their fight for freedom from oppression and the right to self-determine.

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