I was passionate about writing fiction long before I could clearly articulate why I cared so much.
Now, I can tell you.
But before I do, I'm curious to hear your reasons.
So, if you're ready, hit reply and tell me why you write fiction.
If you need help clarifying your reason(s), read this list below.
Mix and match or be inspired to this list.
Then... email your reason. I'd love to know!
Here we go...
There are many reasons to be a novelist.
I've encountered many of these in my work as a writing teacher and creativity coach.
Reasons to be cheerful, I mean, be a novelist:
Achieve satisfaction
Fuel curiosity
Feel limited in other career options
Leave a lasting legacy
Have a message to share
Leave something for future generations
Envision a better world
Right a wrong
Prove to yourself that it can be done
Feel a sense of calling
Use storytelling to change the world
Enjoy the art of storytelling
Work through personal issues and understanding the world
The motivations for writing a novel are as varied as the writers themselves.
Now you!
What motivates you to write?
What drives you to keep working on your project?
I recommend that you be clear on why you want to write.
Challenges will arise that may make you want to give up.
Been there. Done that!
But then I remembered my why, and could pick myself up again.
Okay, I promised -- here's my why, and it's multi-layered. (Yours probably is too! Cool.)
I write fiction because:
I've yearned to since I was a kid.
I want to create the reader experience that I LOVED as a kid.
I love doing the art of creating stories. Love. It!
When you have a strong motivation to write your fiction, a clear purpose, then you have a North Star that can guide you when you lose hope, when you feel overwhelmed, or when you feel lost in the wilderness of "all the things."
Now here's the invitation:
If you need help in deepening your motivation, developing as a writer, establishing a writing practice, editing or marketing your novel, then sign up for a creativity coaching/consultation with me.
One-on-one sessions are now available starting in July. (I'm booked through then.)
Clarity and Changework Session