Subject: What Billie Eilish has to do with writing fiction

Fiction Writers, Tools and Events to Feed Your Creative Soul

"It's really hard to do this. I don't know why I ever thought I wanted to write fiction. I have nothing to say. No stories to tell..."

-- Beth Barany, 1998

What Billie Eilish has to do with writing fiction

Hi Friend,

The soundtrack of my life right now is probably a bit 20th century discordant classical, but I really wish it was smooth and comforting like soul music or at least some soothing Baroque.

(Hello hot flashes and wtf peri-menopause.)

But once I'm passed the grumpy morning time, then I'm "cooking with gas" as my big band beatnik grandfather would say.

My preferred soundtrack is pop music -- I mean, really. I go searching for the Top Pop of the week, in the US, internationally, and in different countries.

But only sometimes.

When I work on my novel I listen to my super long curated playlist of movie and TV soundtracks. (Star Trek, baby!)

And I even created a Star Trek playlist on youtube here. (First time making it public, please be nice about my geekiness.)

And then recently, I read about Billie Eilish's creative process. She's daring. She's trying new things. She shows her vulnerability. I love her openness.

Her daring and her courage to experiment and her willingness to be vulnerable inspires me to be daring, open hearted, and experimental in my fiction.

Check out her music here on youtube.

Do you love music?

What kind?! Do tell.

Send youtube links!



Calling in Career Writers

Being a novelist is a long haul - a marathon - a day-after-day commitment.

The other day I stumbled on one of my journal entries from 25 years ago that broke my heart for the younger version of myself. And left me in awe for my present day self.

It said: "It's really hard to do this. I don't know why I ever thought I wanted to write fiction. I have nothing to say. No stories to tell, only thoughts that run in my head, figurings of the ways things work, permutations of energy dancing, undulating through [the] space/time continuum."

Even though I was at the start of my fiction writing career then, one thing has remained. I was committed and I'm committed now. I didn't give up.

I stuck with the gnarly process of learning to write, edit, publish, and market fiction.


Yes, it's a lot.

And I did it - do it - because it's a lifelong dream that I've learned to make manifest.

But I didn't do it alone.

I only succeeded because I was always in some kind of group, often different kinds of groups.

It takes a village to grow a successful career novelist.

When I was only a few years into my commitment of being a career novelist, I joined a career-oriented group and that helped so much put my path in perspective.

One of the authors stood up at the meeting and announced that she finally got a traditional publishing contract after 10+ years of trying and self-publishing.

She said, "I'm an overnight success. It only took 10+ years!"

The room applauded her - hard.

I felt her emotion of pride and the pain of the slog and more pride at sticking with it.

It confirmed what I'd already been feeling and noticing in the room - success is a long haul - and a day-by-day activity.

She only got there because she kept showing up for herself and her stories and her dreams.

For all these reasons, I started our group mastermind program 10 years ago.

You can check it out here:

12-month Group Mastermind for Science Fiction and Fantasy writers.

If this is what you've been looking for, know that I have 4 more spots in the group.

And one of these spots may be for you!

Since you're on my Creativity Sparks list, I'm announcing to you now the special early bird bonuses. Check them out here.


If you'd like to chat with me about joining us, hit reply and say, "Yes!" and we'll find a time to talk soon.

More about the program next week.

The Early Bird Enrollment Bonuses - really good stuff - go away after Dec. 15th. (I'll share more about those later too.)

Happy Writing!



❤️ If you find my resources helpful, please forward them to a friend who may need them too. Thanks!


Beth Barany
Creativity Coach for Writers

Teacher, Speaker, Workshop Facilitator

Creativity is the answer.

I not only teach and coach novelists, I am one too! 

Author of *Magical Tales of Romance, Mystery, and Adventure*

Award-winning science fiction & fantasy novelist.


Support This Creative Entrepreneur

My mission is to support your adventure as a creative and step into your next best self.

If you want to support my mission, I invite you to:

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Beth Barany is an award-winning science fiction and fantasy novelist, and certified creativity coach for writers.

She specializes in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. 

A podcast for science fiction and fantasy authors who want to create optimistic stories.

Also for visionaries, futurists, foresight practitioners, and storytellers.

Tips for fiction writers by a fiction writing coach and teacher.

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