Today at 2pm PT/5pm ET, I'll be leading an information session about our upcoming Plan Your Novel Workshop that we run October 1-31, 2018.
Sign up here for this free session:
If you can't make it live, send in your questions, and you'll get the replay.
MORE about the October workshop...
Starting on October 1st, Ezra and I will lead a group of writers through planning their novel -- traveling from uncertainty and lots of questions to clarity and lots of questions answered.
In the 5 calls -- one a week -- and the extensive curriculum, we invite you to daydream your novel through writing.
In my experience struggling to write novels (took me over ten years to finally start writing a novel, then another five years to complete my first one) is that there's one thing that makes the biggest different in actually being a writer -- and that's writing.
While I was turned off of the idea of plotting a story down to the tiniest detail, I realized that there's great benefit in brainstorming on the page.
Something happens to the brain when we commit words to the page.
It's as if we're giving permission to our creative side to show up and play.
It's as if we've opened a portal to our unconscious parts that dream and helped those images seep into the light of day.
I've personally used the roadmap we offer you in this course to plan out and write 10 books in the last 5 years.
We all learn from the struggle of learning. In the education field, they call that "productive struggle."
But the process of learning to write a novel doesn't have to be so painful and tortuous and take years and years (unless that is your pleasure...)
I wouldn't want to take away your productive struggle, but I'd like to help it be more safe for you, so that the struggle isn't so painful, doesn't take forever, and is actually fun.
Yes, I said fun.
Serious fun.
For more information or to register, go here:
INFO SESSION If, on the other hand, you have questions, then sign up here for a no-obligation info session today Thursday, Sept. 13, 2pm PT/5pm ET.