Subject: [Podcast] Overview on Publishing + Xmas Writers Market + Book Sales! ❤️

Fiction Writers, Tools and Events to Feed Your Creative Soul

🚀 Specializing in supporting science fiction, fantasy, and speculative fiction writers. 🐉

[Podcast] Overview on Publishing

 + Xmas Writers Market + Book Sales! ❤️

short version:

This week's How To Write The Future podcast episode is: Step 7 in my Trust Your Creative Heart Roadmap.

Ep. 132: Launch and publish your novel (Step 7)

Read the rest of this newsletter for news, events, tips, resources, offers, and sales.

This email uses lots of images because images are fun! You may need to click to open the full email or read online.


Friday, Dec. 27, 2024

Hi Friend,

Wishing you and yours Happy Holidays!

We're doing Christmas and Hanukkah!

Thank you to everyone who applied for the Next Step Writers Group, Winter Session. 6 people! You'll be hearing from Julia R., our coordinator today about getting started and from me early next week about logistics.

Some of you asked if we'll be running Next Step Writers Group again, and the answer is, most likely.

We may be opening it back up in the late spring for a second session starting in May 2025. Stay tuned!

I thought I would be offering a Canva Vision Board workshop next week or the first week of January, but then filming picked up again on my short film (we're almost done with filming and will enter post-production soon!)

Yup, my schedule filled up, and I'm not going to offer this workshop at this time.

So, if you'd like to create your own Canva vision board, below is my process and a link to my finished board. May it inspire you to create your own vision board!

  1. Brainstorm/freewrite on your goals and your WHY for the goals.

  2. Open up Canva and pick the size you like. I used 8.5x11 inches, landscape orientation.

  3. Choose frames and organize them on page 1. I like the torn page effect.

  4. On page 2 and onward gather images for each of your goals or just one of them. You can search for images in Canva or import them from an online search. Or from your own pictures.

  5. Copy images onto page 1 and fit them in the frames that feels good to you.

  6. Download and print!

Here's the Canva Vision Board I created for one of my Big Dreams: to live in Paris, France again -- a place I feel very inspired and where I started my writing career. (The first page is the board and the other pages are the workshop space. 😆 )


Critique of your novel's first page

And now on to a new offer and an experiment -- everything I do is an experiment in the real world!

Here's what I've done -- I've opened up a new offer, the Page One Assessment.

What one client said:

"Thank you thank you thank you for doing this. I revised my first page based on these questions and suggestions. This was extremely helpful and just what I needed."

Do you wonder:

  • Is my book any good?

  • Am I starting in the right place?

  • Am I delivering the kind of story I hope to? (Meeting and exceeding genre expectations)

  • Does my opening hook the reader?

  • Is the narrator interesting and compelling?

Then you may be ready for an assessment.

Check out all the details here:


On to the weekly podcast...

Launch and publish your novel. (Step 7)

“There’s a lot of ways to launch a book. And you get to decide what is the way that feels the best for you.”

In “Launch and publish your novel (Trust Your Creative Heart Roadmap, Step 7)” I explain the different publishing options you have for when you’re ready to launch your book and key considerations to think about, plus I share 2 questions to help you start your publishing preparations.

This episode is part of a mini-series based on the "Trust Your Creative Heart Roadmap" where I share the method I developed to help writers go from idea to published science fiction and fantasy novel.

To listen or read this episode's transcript, go here (Writer's Fun Zone):

The How To Write The Future podcast is for science fiction and fantasy writers who want to write positive futures and successfully bring those stories out into the marketplace.


Next in Ep. 133, I end the Trust Your Creative Heart Roadmap series! Hint: It's about celebration, and more.

Stay tuned on How To Write The Future podcast. 

(All previous episodes listed here.)


Wherever you listen to your podcast, if you're so moved, please Like, Subscribe, or Share the How To Write The Future podcast.


And now How To Write The Future podcast is on YouTube here!

Please subscribe.

We now have 321 subscribers. Thank you! Help us get to 400!

Thanks! And since we have an international listenership: Merci , Muchas Gracias, Obrigada, Prego, Arigatō


Happening now! The Writer’s Christmas Market

Get access to over 24 writing courses, lessons, and group coaching sessions designed to boost your writing motivation and skills - from character development to publishing guidance - all for just $70 (valued at over $1,500). A great deal!

Including my Essential Character Traits workbook course, valued at $77.

All the details and how to purchase:

Available until Dec. 31, 2024.

The Smashwords End-of-Year sale is on!

All of our ebooks - fiction and nonfiction - are 50% off. Details here.

Click on the image for the direct link to our nonfiction ebooks.

Hannukah Sale!

A sale by my husband, Ezra Barany!

Over 2,800 pages of edge-of-your-seat thrillers, gripping suspense, compelling scriptures, and holy meows!

Start your kosher adventures today! Your parents would be proud. 

8 e-books for just $24.00 $12

All the details here:

Happy Writing!



PPS. I have one more coaching spot for January 2025 for the Start (or Finish!) Your Novel 1-1 Mentorship Program, 5 sessions for $2,000. Sign up by 12/31/2024 and get an additional session as a holiday gift. (Value $400) All the details here.


When you're ready to work together, here's some ways we can do that:

😁 Essential Character Traits Workbook

  • For fiction writers: planning tools to develop your main characters, secondary characters, and antagonists.

📚 Start (or Finish!) Your Novel 1-1 Mentorship Program

  • Go from sparkling idea to solid book plan so you can write your novel with confidence.

❤️ 12-month small group mastermind program for Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers!

  • Unleash Your Story's Potential: Transform Your Draft into a Publish-Ready Masterpiece!


🌟 If you find my resources helpful, please forward them to a friend who may need them too. Thanks!

Beth Barany
Creativity Coach for Writers

Teacher, Speaker, Workshop Facilitator

Creativity is the answer.

I not only teach and coach novelists, I am one too! 

Author of *Magical Tales of Romance, Mystery, and Adventure*

Award-winning science fiction & fantasy novelist.


Subscribe to be notified when each blog post goes live. Or wait for the weekly round-up in this newsletter.

Support This Creative Entrepreneur

My mission is to support your adventure as a creative and step into your next best self.

If you want to support my mission, I invite you to:

📚 buy my books: Fiction | Nonfiction

☕️ buy me a coffee

Or share my work with your friends. Thanks!

Beth Barany is an award-winning science fiction and fantasy novelist, and certified creativity coach for writers.

She specializes in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. 

Here be the legalese: In connection with the operation of this newsletter and business, Creativity Sparks includes affiliate links to trusted partners. Barany Consulting earns a commission from the Affiliate Links which commission is based on the number of sales that are made as a result of users of the Newsletter clicking over to the Affiliate Link and purchasing from the Affiliate Link a product and/or service. Thus endth the legalese.

live in the territory of Huichin, part of the stolen land of the Chochenyo Muwekma Ohlone, the successors of the historic and sovereign Verona Band of Alameda County, in Oakland, California, the San Francisco Bay Area. Northern Hemisphere. Earth.

The Solar System. → Carina–Sagittarius Arm in the Milky Way galaxy. Milky Way subgroup → Local Group → Local Sheet → Virgo Supercluster → Laniakea Supercluster → Local Hole → Observable universe → Universe.


I stand with people of Ukraine and all peoples 🎗️ in their fight for freedom from oppression and the right to self-determine. Yes, all peoples. Not just some.

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