What-if is one of my favorite power tools of the imagination.
What-if gets your attention focused on what could be.
And for the purposes of this podcast, we're focusing on the positive, and on opportunities on what we can create.
So I have some questions for you:
What if you could create the kinds of stories you wanted to?
What if you could arrange your daily schedule so that you could work on your creative life at your peak energy times?
And what if you fed your imagination with exactly what it needed to help you create the stories you wanted to create?
I'd like to hear from you. What are your story or real life positive what-ifs?
Please leave me a message in audio or written form at HowToWriteTheFuture.Com because I would love to I would love to feature your what- ifs and an upcoming HOW TO WRITE THE FUTURE episode.
Why is it important that we share our positive futures with each other? Our positive, what ifs?
Well, when creative individuals inject their ideas into the collective, we give the collective, the community that people were around, the people who will pay attention to our work, we give them an opportunity for the group to evolve and change.
If you don't share your ideas, then we as a collective and by this, I mean, humanity, we don't get to benefit from your ideas and your visions.
And that really would be a shame. Because we are all part of this human group.
Everyone here deserves to have a voice. And everyone here deserves to have a hand in deciding our own future and that future of the future generations.
Listen to the episode to hear the above and news and updates from the world of futurists and strategic foresight practitioners.
To listen and for the full transcript, go here: